Sparks (Part 2) | Tendou Satori

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It was your first day in college and you were excited to get started.

You had tried hard to get accepted here, since it was the only college in your vicinity that offered the courses that you were interested in.

One of your friends from high school was attending the same college as well and you arranged to meet her in the cafeteria for lunch.

You got something to eat and then sat down at a table in the corner to be able to chat in peace.

"So how was your first lecture?" She asked you in between bites.

"It was interesting, barely any introduction, straight into the matter. You know, like you would expect from college." You said and proceeded to eat your lunch.

Unbeknownst to you a pair of crimson eyes was watching you from the other side of the cafeteria.

By the time Tendou left middle school he had become a shell of who he used to be as a child. Years of unending name calling, pestering and mental abuse had eventually broken his spirit.

The only thing he had left was volleyball. Not that he got along with his teammates, but they would at least cheer when he scored points.

So going into highschool that's all he wanted, to play volleyball, because that was the only thing that made him feel good. That and losing himself in his Shounen Jump magazines.

He had never in his wildest dreams expected that in Shiratorizawa he would find the people that would heal his heart and let his spirit soar again.

Two of his fellow volleyball club members were in the same class as him and not even once did they give him the stink eye. They would ask him about his volleyball experience and tell him about theirs.

During lunch the third and second year volleyball members just naturally sat together and the first years, including him, were encouraged to join them.

By the end of his first year a whole new world had opened to him and by the time he became a third year most of the evidence of him being bullied was gone. He still had a bit of a warped personality, but nothing too extreme.

It was also in his third year that he started thinking of the girl that was his soulmate more often. He wondered what would have happened if he had been more accepting of her and not pushed her away, figuratively as well as literally. He always winced as he remembered her fall, caused by his actions.

He always came to the same conclusion though, she would have been bullied along with him. She was better off without him, a beautiful girl like her would have her pick of guys anyway, soulmates or not.

As the end of his third year approached, and with it the end of highschool,  he wondered what would become of him. His best friend was going pro, there was no doubt about that, but he didn't have the skill or the ambition to follow him.

The choice for him was either join the workforce or go to college. He had made up his mind to get a job, when something in the back of his head started nagging that he would regret not going to college.

So here he was, on his first day of college, staring at the girl that was supposed to be his soulmate. She had grown up to be even more gorgeous and he had to resist the urge to pull out his hair for ruining his chances with her.

From then on he watched her from afar. He caught her looking in his direction now and again, but if she spotted him she never let it show.

And then one day he came across her sitting in a hallway during lunch break. She was seated on the floor, alone and reading this week's Shounen Jump. He noticed they were the only two people present, since everyone had gone for lunch, and he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

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