Completely Incomplete

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Present day

Inside Ko Hyang Tofu House, Hyun Bin looked at the two people in front of him, his wife's best friend and his father in law. Unbeknownst to Yejin, they both have been secretly keeping tabs on her for him over the years at his request.

He'd called them both after his confrontation with Yejin and they seemed shocked when he delivered the news about her possible engagement.

Son Yi-Taek had his arms crossed, a stance he is known to be in for the added intimidation. His expression was wary but thoughtful. Hyojin was next to them picking at the kimchi pieces on her plate, also pensive.

"What happened, you two?" Bin asked. "Hyojin-ssi. I thought you were keeping a close watch."

"I had no clue," Hyojin defended herself. "Yejin hardly ever talked about him. I didn't know they were that serious. I mean, she's only been seeing him for a few months."

The statement irritated him further, because it only confirmed his dislike for Kim Nam Gil. Always the opportunist. The guy was such a weasel.

"How could you let this happen?" Bin threw out, only to gain Hyojin's wrath.

"Oh no, you don't. This is your marriage and your wife. You're responsible, Bin-ssi. Besides," Hyojin crossed her arms and shot him a glare. "I warned you about Kim Nam Gil. If anyone had a chance it would be him. But you chose to ignore it. You got lazy."

She was right. It was his fault. He did get lazy. He just trusted that his feelings for Yejin were strong enough to overcome anything.

His father in law sat up and rubbed on his chin. "The fact that she hasn't even said yes is telling, Bin-ah. Hey, peel."

Bin looked at the carrots in his hands and resumed his slicing motion with the peeler, the cut pieces falling into a basket of mixed vegetables.

He paused and looked blankly at the older man. "Abeoji. How come you don't make Hyojin-ssi do any work?"

"Hyojin can pay for her meals." He threw a carrot slice at Bin. They'd just finished having dinner, with tables still filled with their used bowls.

"I can pay for my meals too."

"Just peel. I want them more julienne."

Hyojin hid her mouth to keep from smirking at the sight. Bin, at thirty-seven years of age, wearing a pink apron above his formal button-down and slacks, was a picture worth capturing. His tie was loosened but peeked out of the apron's opening.

After all of these years, it was endearing to see that the closeness between father and son in law hadn't changed despite their physical distance. Bin was still making visits to see Papa Son after his separation with Yejin, because their bond was his comfort and probably the only tie he had left with Yejin.

It was very disheartening to watch the events surrounding her closest friends because she knew in her heart they were still in love with each other. Only Yejin was doing a much better job denying and hiding it.

She'd been there to witness the two fall in love, get married, get pregnant, experience the tragedy of losing their child, and split up.

Hyojin took out her phone and snapped the shot before either of them noticed. She went back to admiring the dynamic between the men made alive by the most important woman in their lives, Yejin.

"Yejin didn't accept Kim Nam Gil's proposal yet," Son Yi-Taek pointed out again. "That means she still isn't sure. She said yes instantly with you, Bin."

That comment saturated him with pride and comfort, consoling him for the first time on this terrible day.

"I still can't believe she didn't even tell me about it!" Hyojin mentioned, her expression slightly indignant. "She either knows I've been reporting to you," she pointed at Bin, "Or she really is conflicted. Probably both."

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