Part 3: The Talk

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(Y/n) followed Hachi back to the main living area and he guided her to sit on a stool in the kitchen. He reached under the sink into a lower cabinet and pulled out a first-aid kit before quickly trotting over to her.
"Don't you think we should tell, Joker, that the blimp is fixed?" (Y/n) cautiously asked. She really didn't want to be any more of a source of anxiety for the miracle maker than she already was, plus not getting kicked off of the blimp would be nice.
Hachi gave a strange look at her slip-up, but didn't press any further. He took out a roll of bandages, a towel, and some disinfectant as he spoke,
"He can wait for a little bit, your wounds are more important. Besides, he's probably noticed that we aren't losing altitude by now. He'll be here in a few minutes, if I had to guess."
"Oh." Came (Y/n)'s ever so intelligent reply. The two sat in silence after that, aside from the occasional hiss of pain from (Y/n) due to the disinfectant. Hachi finished his work by cleanly tying the bandage at the top of her forearm. He was about to start putting band-aids on her fingers when Joker returned from the cockpit, very obviously panicking and very closely resembling a chicken with his head cut off.
"Hachi! Are you dead?! Did weird photos girl throw you off the blimp? Where are yo-Ah! Hachi! You're alive! I got worried 'cause the problem was solved but you never came back.........woah...what happened?" Upon realizing that Hachi was, in fact, not thrown off the side of the sky joker, Joker was able to assess the situation more calmly. He was also able to notice the massive bandage covering the entire forearm of the dubiously welcome guest on his ship. Said guest immediately started waving her unharmed arm in front of her face in a dismissive manner. She tried to use her other arm as well, but momma bird Hachi immediately snapped it back up and started applying band-aids on her fingers.
"It's not that bad, really! The hail made a bunch of little nicks when we were patching up the balloon. It's just a lot of smaller cuts, so it was more efficient to just bandage the whole thing..." she trailed off as Joker marched forward and started to inspect her arm, occasionally poking and prodding on the bandaging.
"Ow! Hey!" (Y/n) yanked her arm out of his grip, cradling it against her chest as the phantom thief tried to continue his tomfoolery. Hachi started swatting him away, but he just turned to (Y/n) with a pout.
"You liar, you're totally hurt! What am I supposed to do now? If I kick an injured person off of the ship, Hachi will never let me hear the end of it!"
"I'd never let you hear the end of it even if she wasn't hurt! If what she said earlier is true, she has nowhere to go! Plus we're above the ocean right now! She'd die!Have a little sympathy Mr. Joker!"
"Right, right. Whatever. How do we know that story's even true? She could be a stalker!" Joker gestured wildly at the girl who could very clearly hear the conversation happening in front of her.
"Hello? I am right here you know. If you have questions, you can ask me." Joker blinked owlishly at her for a few seconds as she stared him down, arms crossed and tapping her finger. He quickly straightened himself and coughed into his fist to appear professional. It didn't work.
"Okay then, first question: Are you a stalker?"
(Y/n) gave him a deadpan look before giving the most monotone "no" the world has ever heard.
"Unless everyone who consumes any form of fictitious media is considered a stalker to you, I wouldn't really put myself into that category. I do know a lot about you, though."
That answer did not comfort Joker in the least. He kinda wanted to know what exactly she knew about him, but he also didn't want what could potentially be his entire life story spilled to his new assistant that he had literally only been on about eight heists with so far. So he decided to move on to the next question.
"Question two! Why are you here? Actually, no, HOW are you here? If we're so "fictional", how did you manage to apperate into a world that doesn't exist?"
The girl looked down at her hands, unsure.
"I...really don't know. I wasn't really doing anything unusual before I showed up here. I was in my room, and I was...uh, well I was watching anime on my laptop," She avoided meeting anyone's eyes as she continued, "and after that I felt really tired, which wasn't strange because it was almost five in the morning...please don't judge me I know my sleep schedule is wack, and I woke up here. I honestly have no clue how or why." As Joker looked at her, he could tell that she was being honest. From the short time he's known her, he can already tell she's the kind of person that shows what they're thinking on their face and through their body language. She probably didn't even realize she was doing it. And what he saw was a girl who looked incredibly lost and afraid. I mean, it wasn't his problem, and he totally wasn't worried about it, but she did get hurt helping him....and Hachi obviously wasn't gonna leave her alone after this.....gah! Screw it!
"Alright, question three:," he looked off to the side, scratching his cheek with the slightest tint of a blush, "If.....If I let you stay on the sky joker until you find a way home, what could you do for me?" (Y/n)'s eyes immediately began to sparkle, glimmering with hope and gratefulness. She jumped up from her seat and looked him in the eyes.
"I can give you knowledge of the future! I know the basics of what happens, although I haven't completely memorized every episode, but I can help you avoid unnecessary struggle and give you the rundown on enemies and rivals! I could also help in prank protection...probably...I'll only give you information if you ask though." She looked up at him hoping for a good response. Joker, meanwhile, had a Cheshire Grin. A million ideas were flying through his head on how he could use her library of information to his benefit.
"I can also help cook."
Now Hachi was right next to her, giving Joker puppy eyes. He quickly turned around, looking at the tv to avoid their expectant gazes.
"Alright, alright. I've made my decision. You can stay on the sky joker," (Y/n) and Hachi cheered, "on one condition." (Y/n) and Hachi were no longer cheering. Joker continued,
"Not only will you help out Hachi whenever he asks and give me tips whenever I ask, but you will also keep this knowledge. Between. Us. You can't tell anybody else about it. So, what do you say? Wanna become an apprentice phantom thief?" He turned and glanced over his shoulder. The girl looked shocked at the sudden proposal. She looked between Joker and Hachi for a moment.
"I have no actual training in stealth, and I'm not exactly unathletic, but I'm not the most active either. Is that okay?" Joker turned to fully face her and grinned while placing a hand on her head.
"The best way to learn is from experience! You already move around super quietly, and I can tell you've got the seeds to become an amazing phantom thief with a little bit of training! C'mon, what do you say?" She looked up at him, a spark of determination in her eyes.
"I....yeah. Yeah, I'll do it! It's a pleasure to work with you, J!" Joker ruffled her hair before putting his hands on his hips and cocking his head to the side in confusion.
"Yeah! It's a nickname!"
"Alright, I'll take it. Welcome to the, this is embarrassing, but we never got your name, did we?"
"Jeez, Joker! You seriously never asked?!"
"Well, neither did you, Hachi!"
"Actually, I did! You just weren't paying attention!"
Laughter interrupted their little argument, causing both of them to turn towards the girl. She smiled gently as her laughter died down.

"My name is (Y/n)(L/n), but I guess you can call me Snap."

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