Part 1: The Blimp

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"Let's just dump her off somewhere."
"Joker you're the worst! We can't just leave her!"
(Y/n) vaguely heard voices that were almost familiar as she started to break from her drowsy state. She groaned, then tried to sit up.
"Ah, see! She's waking up now!"
"And then we can dump her somewhere?"
Her head was pounding. Despite the ringing in her ears and the dizzying headache, she tried to speak.
" I?" She managed to croak out.
" my living room right now. Can you leave?"
"Don't be rude! She just woke up and she's confused, you can't just kick her out!"
She started to open her eyes, and saw two blurry figures, one red and tall, the other blue and short. 'Oh boy. This better not be some Undertale skeleton adventure I swear...'
"Right now, you are on the Sky Joker. My name is Hachi, what's yours?"
"Uh, I'm (y/n), nice to- wait, Hachi?!" She could now fully see the two figures, the blue one, Hachi, worriedly hovering over her, and the red one, who hadn't given his name, but at this point she could hazard a guess, sitting on the couch looking bored out of his mind and twirling a necklace around his finger. No way.
"Uh, yeah! That's my name!" He gave a friendly smile.

- - -
Joker was tired. All he wanted to do after he stole the Red Goddess Tear was go home, eat Hachi's god level curry, and then lie on his bed eating snacks and playing games until he inevitably fell asleep at an ungodly hour of the morning.Life had different plans, apparently.
Honestly the last thing he expected when he climbed onto the blimp was to see some random girl passed out in his living room. But passed out in his living room she was, and his idea to just send her down on a parachute and pretend they never saw her was vetoed by the local ninja mom. Jeez, it was a good idea, no need to get so mad about it!
Hachi was currently fretting over her or something like a worried mom or whatever, but Joker honestly couldn't care less. Really didn't care about the mysterious person that was now awake on his blimp. Not at all. Okay, he was a little, teensy-weensy bit curious.
He smoothly snuck a glance from the corner of his eye. She seemed to be a little shorter than him, with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/t) skin. She had (e/c) eyes that were...currently blown wide in shock? She was staring at Hachi as if he had two heads. Then she spoke.
"NO WAY! Wait, so this is Joker's ship?! No way!!" Okay, he was very interested now. Maybe she was a fan! Man, his popularity sure was skyrocketing! He decided to go over and say hi, if only to be fawned over like a celebrity. He felt a wave of joy as his eyes locked onto hers, which were practically sparkling with wonder.
"So, how did you get here girly?"

- - -
"So, how did you get here girly?"

(Y/n)...honestly didn't know the answer. One moment she was on her bed watching anime, and then next she was being woken up on a ship that didn't exist. Her face scrunched up in thought, before she decided it might be better to tell the truth so she didn't get dumped on an island somewhere in the pacific.
"Well, I don't really know, but I do know you two, which is what's worrying me."
Joker swelled with pride and let out a haughty chuckle, While Hachi looked at her with renewed interest.
"It worries you? Why? We won't hurt you! We're not bad people, I swear!"
"Oh, no! That's not what I'm worried about at all! I'm sure you're a good person, Hachi, and Joker has half a moral somewhere in his liver," Joker looked like he just got shot in the chest, "but where I'm from, uh, you two, um, kinda don't exist???? Physically????"
They stared at her with wide eyes as she clumsily tried to explain herself. Hachi finally spoke up.
"Wait, so if we don't exist, then how do you know about us?" She perked up, then started patting down her pockets before pulling out what she was looking for.
"Do I still have my-YES! Here, I have screenshots on my phone." Intrigued, the two phantom thieves looked over her shoulders as she swiped through her camera roll.
"Ah! Here we go!" She pulled up some images that shocked them.

"Ah! Here we go!" She pulled up some images that shocked them

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