Part 9: The Oversight

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(Y/n) flinched as an explosion rang out behind the three of them, and once again regretted not hopping into the elevator when she had the chance. She braced herself against the wall as she forced herself back onto her feet, looking over at the now destroyed emergency stairs.

"Darn. We can't use the emergency stairs now, I guess." Joker frowned, still on the floor. He glanced over at Spade as the sprinklers kicked in, then smirked while adjusting his hat. "Tired already?"

(Y/n) sighed, pushing the silver haired boy's hat over his eyes. This earned an indignant squawk from the thief. "C'mon, J. You can squabble with your brother once we aren't actively trying to climb a burning staircase."

"Who would want to be this guy's brother?!" He defensively shot back. Something shifted in Spade's expression that he quickly covered up. (Y/n) hated that she had an idea as to why. Quickly trying to do damage control, (Y/n) rolled her eyes, offering him a hand up.

"You would, now let's go. Burning building, remember?"

Joker sputtered for a reply as he was pulled up by her, but she started moving before he could come up with one. "Wh- Hey! Get back here! Coward!" He immediately chased after her, tossing a glance over his shoulder. "Keep up, Spade!"

Spade watched the interaction, slightly bewildered, but eventually sighed with the faintest smile on his lips. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."


"....This is the exhibition room, I guess."

"Looks like it."

(Y/n) panted softly, mentally patting herself on the back for surviving the climb as the two professional thieves examined the metal door in front of them. Joker reached out and grabbed the handle without hesitation, which she definitely wouldn't have agreed with were she not already aware that the room behind it was decidedly not on fire yet.

That didn't mean she wasn't going to call him out for it, though.

Unfortunately, this resulted in the first thing Hachi, Dark Eye, and the remaining people trapped inside the building heard being: "You seriously suck at fire safety, J."

"Mr. Joker! You came to-!"

"Oi! We made it up here just fine! And why are you only taking shots at me, huh?! Go back to calling Spade a houseplant!"

"M-Mr. Joker..."

"What? How am I a houseplant? (Y/n)....?"

"Kol kol kol.... Oh dear."

"We are in a BURNING BUILDING! I'm not having this conversation now!"

Spade and Joker seemed to refocus at that, "Oh, right."

Joker quickly approached the group, causing Hachi to brighten. "Mr. Joker...!"

"Nice, the Ice Sculpture of Odin hasn't melted!"

The little ninja boy practically fell over, causing (Y/n) to walk over to him, patting his back softly. "It's okay, bud. J cares, he just already knew you'd be alright."

His big, glittering yellow eyes met hers for a moment. "(Y-Y/nnnn)...."

"What are burglars doing here? Aren't rescuers coming?" A rather square faced man asked brusquely, interrupting the boy. (Y/n) knew that would immediately trigger a speech from J, so she got to work spraying the floor around them with her water gun, prompting Hachi to do the same.

"We're too high up!" The woman next to him replied before coughing into her handkerchief. (Y/n) watched out of the corner of her eyes as Spade went to Dark Eye to assess the situation. She felt a bit bad for withholding information from him, but she had made a deal, after all.

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