Chapter eighteen

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Sam POV:

"In a cell?!" I asked, surprised and a bit confused.

"Well, yeah. You don't really expect them to be blocked by a normal locked door for long enough, do you? They would be out in like thirty seconds." answered Wanda.

"I guess not. I just didn't think they would actually try to break the door."

"Have you met Natasha?" she said, raising her left eyebrow, with a side smile that indicated that she was amused by my mild naivety.

"Yeah, right. But how on earth are we supposed to pull that off? There must be an easier way..."
I looked up at the ceiling and sighed, trying to come up with something as quickly as possible.
"What about the elevator? We ask them to meet us for a mission or something and when they are both in there, we stop it."

"Not a bad idea but we can't just turn the elevator off like that. Too many people need to use it to move around the building. And who knows how long they are going to need to stay in there? It might even take them hours before they actually start talking to each other."

"God, can't they just kiss and make up?"

"Huh" The sound of her disbelief was followed by a chuckle, before she added:
"I think you beating Steve in a race is more likely to happen than them making up that easily."

Her joke made me roll my eyes and shake my head.
"Anyway... How do we get them both in a cell?"

"You remember the cell in that secret room on the last level of the building we only use for emergencies? I was thinking we could each ask one of them to meet us there."

"Okay. And I think we should tell them that it's a meeting for the whole Avengers team. Otherwise, they might ask why it's only the four of us and the lesser the number of questions, the better it will be."

Wanda nodded and said "Yeah, you're right. As for what we are going to say to convince them meeting us down there is necessary, we have yet to come up with a good story."

The next few minutes were spent in total silence, the both of us trying to come up with a credible lie.

The sound of fingers being snapped eventually brought my attention back to the woman next to me.
"What do you think about this : It appears that the mole who almost got them kidnapped during the mission that nearly caused Steve's... death wasn't working alone. When Fury interrogated him, he eventually admitted that there was another spy among us but Fury wanted to make sure the information was real and identify the traitor before telling anyone. He finally did a few days ago and now wants us to take him down."

"And the safest place here to discuss a plan is in the secret room that only us, the Avengers, and a few trusted members know about." I finished.

"Exactly." she confirmed, with a single dip of her chin and added "As soon as they are both there, we take them by surprise. I use my powers to shove them in the cell and you lock it immediately."

It probably wasn't the best plan but it was good enough, especially on such short notice.

"Well, we might actually be able to pull that off "

Wanda and I looked at each other, both smirking, with the confidence that our plan was going to work.

Let's play matchmaker...


Steve arrived first.
We didn't answer any of his questions, telling him that we had to wait for the others to join us.

As soon as Natasha stepped in the room, I threw a glance in Wanda's direction.
When our eyes met, she nodded slightly, letting me know that she was ready.

Natasha looked around, noticing that the only people present in the room were Wanda, Steve and I.

"Where are the oth-"

Wanda didn't even let her finish her sentence as she suddenly used her powers to throw Natasha in the opened cell.

"Why did you do that?!" Steve yelled, astonished and more than confused by Wanda's behaviour.

Wanda took advantage of his bewilderment and the fact that his attention was directed towards Natasha to do the same with Steve and the next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground next to Nat in the cell.

"Now, Sam!" Wanda shouted.

Thanks to their confusion about the situation, I had just enough time to lock them in the cell before Steve and Nat attempted anything.

Steve POV :

"What the hell guys?!" I yelled, after getting up from the ground.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?!" Nat shouted next.

"I know it might not look like it but we are actually trying to help you." answered Wanda.

"Help?! How exactly is locking us up in a cell supposed to help us?" I asked.

"And what are you even helping us with?" added Nat.

"Well, it's quite simple actually. Your little fight has been going on for long enough. It's about time you two made up and there's no way that's going to happen if you don't talk." said Sam.

"And that's when we intervene. Since you seem determined to keep avoiding each other, we thought we could help you out a little and what better way to make you communicate than locking you together?" finished Wanda, trying to hide a smirk.

I didn't know what to say, still a bit taken aback and confused about what had just happened and their explanation, and Nat seemed at loss of words too and just as shocked.

After a few seconds spent analysing our reactions, Wanda and Sam were both looking at us with wide smiles, clearly proud of the accomplishment of their plan.

"Come on, seriously?" Nat managed to ask, when she finally was able to form words again.

"Yep. Very." answered Sam, with a shrug.

I opened my mouth, about to complain but Wanda cut me off.

"Don't waste your time trying to change our mind. It's not going to work. We are not letting you out of that cell until we are sure you have patched things up."

"You might take as long as you want. Minutes, hours, even days." continued Sam, before adding : "But if I were you I wouldn't take that long. There are only two bottles of water in there. You might be superheroes but you're still humans, you'll eventually need to eat, among other things."

"It's up to you anyway. We are leaving. Text or call when you're done."
And they both started walking to the door.

"You'll thank us later" Sam said, just before disappearing behind the door.

As soon as the door closed behind them, I felt my body slide down and I ended up sitting on the ground.

For a while, there was nothing but silence.
Neither of us willing to make the first step and start the discussion.

Natasha was standing in front of me, against the wall but we were both trying to avoid looking at each other.

After almost two hours, I eventually took in a deep breath and looked right at her.
When her eyes met mine, I let out the first words of one of the most frustrating and yet, important conversations of my life.

"Let's talk, Natasha."


Hope you're all doing fine :)

I initially wanted to put the famous "talk" in this chapter but it would have made it a bit too long. Also, this way I am able to update something sooner and it gives me more time to work on the awaited discussion between our two stubborn lovebirds.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Tell me what you think in the comments and don't hesitate to vote if you liked it haha.

See ya,

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