Chapter 16

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[So earlier in the Fanfiction I said that Bifur and Bombur were Bofur's brothers. I wasn't entirely accurate. Bifur is Bofur's cousin. Bombur is Bofur's brother. Just had to clear that up ^_^ OMG GUYS 194 reads!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys!!!!! I love you all so much!!! Okay back to the fan fiction!!!]

The room lights up again and as everyone slowly stirs I see Gandalf. "Take up arms." He says to us. "Fight. FIGHT!" He yells. We all jump up and start to fight. I grab an arrow and kill the nearest goblins. Gandalf is also killing some with a sword and his staff.

"He weilds the Foehammer! The Beater! Bright as daylight!" The Goblin king yells out, his voice laced with fear.

Bofur is at our pile of weapons, tossing the others theirs. "Bofur!" I yell and hold my hand out, asking for my sword.

He looks up and I see relief wash over his features. "Y/N!" He yells back as he tosses me my sword.

I quickly put my arrow back in the quiver and unsheith my sword to continue killing the horrid goblins.

I turn to help the others but see that they need no helping. Bombur is knocking goblins off the platform by hitting them with his belly. Kili is quickly slicing their throats.

I see movement behind me and turn to see the goblin king rush towards me.

"Thorin!" Nori yells. Thorin is the closest to me and quickly knocks the goblin king back and he falls down, down, down, until we can see him no more.

"Follow me. Quick!" Gandalf tells us. He need not say it twice. We all follow close on his heels as he turns and runs down a path way. "Run!"

"Quickly!" Gandalf yells.

"Faster!" Dori yells as we see goblins following us. I shoot a few that have bows but they just keep coming.

"Save yer arrows, Lassie!" Bofur says from behind me. His voice clipped off and breathless. I nod and try to run faster.

"Post!" I hear Dwalin yell and when we catch up to him he has pulled one of the railings off. "Charge!" He yells using the post to push the goblins that are ahead of us off the pathway.

I use my sword to hack away at the goblins that are climbing alongside the path that we are running down. 'They just don't give up do they?'

I see a goblins blade come dangerously close to my face before it is knocked aside. Bofur hits the goblin in the face with his mattock (hammer thing).

"Thank you!" I yelp out as I feel a stinging cut across my cheek from that goblin.

"Of course, Lassie." Bofur says with a smile before swinging around and hitting another goblin in the head.

I look up briefly to see goblins swinging down to us. "Cut the ropes!" Thorin yells, meaning the ropes that are holding the pathway that is behind us up. We quickly obey and the ropes are severed. The pathway begins to fall to the other side. Towards the goblins swinging to us. They wrap around the path and fall.

An arrow grazes my arm and I look up to see goblins shooting at us. I loose some arrows at them, killing the ones I hit but more advance.

Kili uses his sword to deflect some. He picks up a latter and lets it fall down catching many of them by their heads. We push it back, which pushes the other goblins back. We run like that for a few moments before it falls and makes a bridge for us to cross.

We continue to fight our way through the hordes of goblins, until we reach the end of the path. Gandalf cuts a rope and the path that were on swings across the gap towards the other side.

Bofur and a few of the others manage to jump to the other side before the platform goes swinging again inter other way. Some goblins jump on, I am the closes to them so I kill as many as I can while they're in the air.

As the platform swings back to the others the rest of the company jumps off. I jump last, just as one of them cuts one of the ropes holding the play form and it falls. Bofur catches me and hugs me tightly, which I return, then he sets me down and we continue running trying to find our way out.

"Come on!" Gandalf yells. He hits the ceiling and a large boulder falls. We push it until it is rolling on its own and squashing anything and anyone in its path. It falls down a cliff edge as we continue down a goblin bridge.

We run for a few minutes without any goblins trying to stop us. 'No goblins?' I think a bit cautiously.

Suddenly the King goblin breaks through the path we were on and glares at us. "You thought you could escape me!" The king mocks. He knocks Gandalf back against us. "What're you going to do now, wizard?"

We push Gandalf back up and he hits the Goblin king in the face. The king stumbles backwards howling in pain. Gandalf then slices across his stomach, he falls to his knees.

"That'll do it." The king says. Then Gandalf slices his neck and the king pitches forward, dead.

The bridge that we are on buckles under the weight of the company and it breaks, falling down into the darkest parts of the cavern. We all scream as we fall.

"I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this." I mutter as I hide against Bofur's chest.

We hit the ground and Im sent falling down and landed against Fili, who is laying a few feet from the wreckage. "Sorry...." I moan in pain as I push off of him and lay on my back on the ground.

"Well, that could have been worse." Bofur says to us all. He jinxed it. A moment later the corpse of the Goblin kings falls on the pieces of the bridge, squishing the company.

I nudge Fili, who is laughing his butt off. "At least we aren't under there!" I say laughing.

We laugh for a few moments until Fili gets up. He offers me his hand to help pull me up. One I'm standing we help the rest of the company out from under the giant goblin.

Once Bofur is up on his feet and sees me he hugs me tightly and spins me around.

"Gandalf!" We hear Kili yell. We all look up to see what he is looking at and see thousands of goblins rushing towards us.

"Are you kidding me?" I yell out in frustration.

"There's too many! We can't fight them!" Dwalin says.

"Only one thing will save us, daylight! Gandalf tells us. "Come on! Here! On your feet!" We go running again, following Gandalf out of this forsaken place.

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