Chapter 10

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[A/N: so guys if y'all are wanting smutt I have one posted specifically that would happen after that last chapter it's called (Bofur X You) so if you want smutt there you go. I'm pretty sure this fic will remain fluff no smutt. Okay continue! Thank you for reading!!!]

We sit across the table from each other as the elves serve our food. Salads, herbs mostly.

The dwarves all look at it like they would never eat it. "Try It." Dori says to Ori and hands him a large leaf. "Just a mouth full."

Ori shakes his head. "I don't like green food."

"Where's the meat?" Dwalin asks.

I laugh quietly. "Elves are vegetarians. They do not eat meat."

"No meat?" Fili repeated stunned.

"How do you know so much about them?" Kili asks me.

I shrug. "Reading mostly. Some Gandalf has told me."

I take out my sketchbook and finish a sketch of Bombur that I hadn't gotten around to finishing.

"I wonder what their talking about." Then I realize I voiced my thoughts. "Gandalf, Thorin, Bilbo, Balin, and Lord Elrond. I mean."

"I dunno. They will tell us in time, child. Best be patent......" Dwalin says then looks down as his stomach rumbles. "And find some meat."

The elves lead us to where we will be sleeping for the night. There's a fire built in the middle of the room. We raid our stocks of food and cook some sausage, beef, bacon and Bombur eats some cheese he found at Bilbo's.

The dwarves all talking back an forth as it gets darker. Bifur, Bofur and I sit around the fire, cooking our foods. I look up at Bombur who is sitting on a table with a bowl of different foods. I nudge Bofur, he looks at me and I nod at Bombur.

Bofur looks confused for a moment then looks down at his sausage and back up at Bombur. "Bombur." He says and tosses the meat at his brother who catches it easily. We hear the table that he is sitting on creak.

Bombur looks down, his eyes wide and the table collapses underneath him. We all laugh, except for Bifur who just looks at me and Bofur, shaking his head. Bofur falls over laughing so hard.

Once we all calm down we help Bombur up and clean up our mess. "What did you do?" Bilbo asks as he sees the chaos and destruction.

"I didn't do it.... Well I started it.... Weeellllll..... Okay. So Bombur was sitting on the table and Bofur tossed his a sausage and that was too much for the table.... It broke...." I say with a blush.

"You Tooks.... Always causing trouble." Bilbo says and shakes his head with a laugh.

"Your mother was a Took don't you forget!" I retort with a smile.

Thorin look over at the mess we've made. "I don't even want to know. Just clean up this mess, Y/N." I just nod.

"We leave for a few hours and you break a table.... Why does this not surprise me?" Balin says with a smile.

"So? What'd yeh find out?" Bofur asks Balin impatiently.

"There's a secret way into the mountain..... By the last light of Durins day the key hole will be shone." Balin tells us.

"Durins day is fast approaching!" Fili says.

"Aye it'll be upon us soon. If we are standing in the right place at precisely the right time then and only then will we get into the mountain." Balin says.

Thorin interrupts us. "We leave at first light. Now go to bed. Y/N! I told you get that mess cleaned up!" He snaps the end.

I sigh and shake my head. Many of the dwarves give me sympathetic smiles. "Don't let him get to ya, Lassie. He has a sharp tongue that's all." Bofur says.

Bombur, Bofur, and Bifur help me clean up the mess. Bombur eating the food and tossing the leaves over the balcony. Bifur and Bofur stack the broken pieces of the table in a corner.

"Thank you for helping me." I say to them. Bombur smiles and Bifur pats my back then they go lay down.

I sit beside the fire and Bofur sits next to me. "I like your brothers." I tell him with a smile.

Bofur smiles back. "They like you Lassie. They may not talk much but they have told me that they like you."

"Well that's good." I smile wider. "Oh I have a few questions that've been on my mind."

"Ask away. I'll answer best I can." He replies.

"Well I've noticed, most of the company is somehow related to Thorin, but you, Bifur, and Bombur are not?" I say meaning it as a question.

"Ah yes... Well you see Lassie, my brothers and I are from the Blue Mountains." He tells me.

"Why've you come to help them reclaim a home you have never seen?" I ask confused.

"For the same reason as you. To help them and adventure but mostly to help them. They're my friends too." He smiles at me sadly. "I want to help them get their home back."

I yawn as the fire starts dying out. "Come Y/N. Lets go to bed." Bofur tells me. We lay our mats beside each other and talk for a little while longer before we fall asleep. My back to him. His arm around my waist.

[A/N: I would love it if y'all would comment! I'd like to know what y'all think so far ^_^
Oh also the info on Bofur not being related to Thorin and him coming from the Blue mountain is all true info I have done some research on him cause they're interesting. Thank you for reading!!!! Comment and Vote please!!!!]

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