Chapter 13

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Soon we are climbing over the mountain. The rock many shades of black and grey with the snow a bright difference. No one speaks as we walk.

"Looks like rain." Balin says breaking the silence.

"Aye it does." Gloin replys.

We fall back into the silence. Over a period of a few hours, as the sun fades from the sky, more clouds show and it brings to downpour.

None of the company are in a good mood. Everyone's spirits seems to damper with the rain. The paths through the mountain are getting smaller and smaller. With the rain it is very difficult not to slip and fall to one's death.

"Hey! Hold on!" Thorin yells to us over the loud thundering storm. He continues to move, at a slower pace.

Suddenly Bilbo slips. "Bilbo!" Dwalin yells and he, Bofur, and I pull him back against the rock wall.

"Are you okay Bilbo?" I ask, my heart hammering. Adrenaline pumping. He only nods.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin yells to us.

"Look out!" Dwalin tells as a huge rock comes hurtling to the mountain side. It smashes against the mountain and we all scream.

"Look out brother!" Gloin yells as fractured pieces of stone come raining down.

"Hold on!" Kili yells as were all crouched against the rock wall. Bofur wraps his arm around me, sheilding me from any falling shards.

"This is no thunderstorm....." Balin tells us. "It's a thunder-battle!" He exclaims as we see a huge stone giant pulls its self out of the mountain side opposite from us. "Look!" He points at the giant.

"Well, bless me!" Bofur exclaims as he moves away from me. "The legends are true..... Giants..... Stone giants!"

"Oh my god this is not good...." I say more to myself as the giant throws a rock the size of its head at a bother giant that's coming out of our side if the mountain. It falls back as it is his in the chest.

"Take cover you fool!" Thorin yells at us as more rocks rain down.

Fili pulls me down and covers me while I see Kili doing the same with Bofur. "Thank you!" I whisper to Fili and he nods.

The rock ledge we are standing on crumbles a little at the edges and we all push further against the mountain. "Hold on!" Dwalin yells.

The side of the ledge between Kili and I splits apart and the side we are on moves away. "What is happening?" Kili asks.

"Grab my hand!" Fili yells to his brother. "Kili!"

We all stare at each other as the rocks move farther apart. Looking up we see that we are on the legs of yet another stone giant. It stands and joins the fight between the other two but is head butted and knocked back down.

The leg many of the others are on hits against another ledge and they all jump off and onto the ledge. Our giant gets hit so hard in the head that its head comes flying off. It staggers backwards and we pass by the others. Close enough to see and hear them but too far to jump.

"Jump!" Thorin yells to us. Unfortunatly the giant falls backwards into the mountain. I see the rock coming closer and closer to us as we crash into it.

"Oh my god...." I whisper, Bofur grabs my hand tightly, and we hit against it.

"No!......." Thorin yells. The giant falls away and they see none of us still on it.

They run around the corner and find us laying in a indent in the mountain side. All of us okay.

"No Kili! Fili!" Thorin yells as the run over to us. I see the panic in his eyes then he sees his nephews and relief washes over his features.

"It's alright!" I hear Gloin yell to the others. "They're alive!"

Bofur sees me and breathes out a shaky breath then both of our eyes light up with panic. "Where's Bilbo?" We both ye at the same time.

"Where's the Hobbit?" Bofur yells.

"Bilbo!" I scream. Then I see fingers holding onto the ledge. "There!" I yell and point at him.

"Grab him!" Thorin yells.

Bofur and Nori dive to grab him just as he slips. Bilbo, thankfully was able to grab a rock outcrop and hold himself for a few more seconds. "Grab my hand!" Bofur yells to him at the same time Nori yells "Bilbo!"

We all scramble to help him and Thorin jumps over the ledge to help push so we can pull him up the rest of the way. Thorin then slips and Dwalin grabs his hand. I grab the other hand and we help pull Thorin up too.

"I thought we lost out burglar!" Dwalin exclaims after we are all safe. Bilbo looks over at him, still breathing hard.

Thorin glares down at Bilbo. "He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come." The he turns and glares at me. "Neither of them should have. They have no place amongst us."

Both Bilbo and I look down, hurt, and filled with shame. I feel tears at the back of my eyes but I blink them away. I shouldn't care what Thorin thinks of me.

Thorin walks off in search of shelter taking Dwalin with him. We all get back on our feet and follow them slowly. I lag to the back and Bofur pulls me into a hug. "He's wrong Lassie." He says stroking my hair. "You belong with me."

I smile into his chest and we continue after the others. Thorin has found a cave for us to take shelter in for the night.

[A/N: 130 reads!!!!! I'm so happy for all of you who are reading!!! Please comment and vote! I'd love to hear from y'all.

Now I have a very important question that needs answering. Do I make this fic into three stories each following the movies or just one long story following all the movies? Please tell me!!! I love you guys! Thank you so much I reading!]

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