Chapter 4

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-No ones p.o.v-

The trolls are turned to stone. Bofur sees you fly through the air then hit a tree and hit the ground. "Y/N!" He yells and runs over to where your body is laying. He pulls you into his lap, seeing blood on your face he checks for a pulse.

His heart skips a beat but he finds your pulse. The rest of the company surrounds you. "Wake up! Y/N wake up!" He whimpers desperately. For he has liked you since you ran into him at Bilbo's. You are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

"Please.." He whispers. "Wake up!"

-Your point if view-

"Y/N wake up!" I hear someone whisper. It's slowly getting louder. "Please!" I recognize the voice. "Wake up!" Bofur begs.

I slowly open my eyes as Bofur begs me to wake. "B...Bofur?" I ask.

"Oh thank Durin!" He exclaims and hugs me close to his chest.

He lays me back down onto his lap and gently runs the back of his fingers over my cheek. "What happened?" I ask him.

"The troll threw you. You hit a tree then landed on the ground. You hit hard. You're hurt very badly." He says and his voice breaks.

I cup his cheek gently and he leans into my touch. "What's to happen to me?" I ask him.

"Gandalf is out collecting herbs to try to heal you..." He says.

"How long was..." I stop and wince in pain. " long was I asleep?" I ask.

"A few hours." His eyes filled with worry and his voice thick with fear.

"Why do you fear so?" I ask him.

"Gandalf does not know if he can heal you lassie..... I fear for your life.... I fear to lose you." He says. His thumb strokes over my bottom lip.

I smile against his fingers and kiss them gently. "Do not fear. I look worse than I feel." I tell him.

He rests his forehead against mine. "Please." His voice breaks. "Please, live."

I stroke his cheek. "Bofur...." I whimper in sadness. "Kiss me...." I whisper.

He gently lifts my head and very lightly his lips touch mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. His beard tickling my face.

I smile into the kiss and moan quietly. I feel a growl vibrate through his chest and he deepens the kiss. His tongue traces across my lower lip asking for entrance. I part my lips and his tongue explores my mouth.

We break apart panting and he smiles. "Y/N I...I have never felt this way for anyone.... I love you."

I smile. "I love you too, Bofur. More than anything." My sight starts to haze over and I whimper and grab his hand. Everything slowly fades to black.

-No Ones P.O.V-

"Y/N?" Bofur asks worriedly when you grab his hand. Your eyes close. "No..." He whispers horrified. "No! Y/N! Gandalf!!!" He yells out. Your pulse is fading quickly. "GANDALF!!"

The grey wizard comes riding into the clearing on his horse. He hops off and hands Bofur a small cup of a murky liquid. "Have her drink this." Then Gandalf gets on his knees beside your body he begins chanting a healing spell.

Bofur pours the liquid down your throat and he continues holding your hand. "Please," he whispers into your ear. "Please! Stay with me!" He kisses your forehead.

After quite a while Gandalf stands. And pats Bofur's shoulder. "Her body will heal quickly. It is up to her weather or not she wakes."

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