13 - Say what now?

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Now, it would be such an understatement,, or overstatement to say they had issues, or they were beefing with each other. No, not at all. When Louis left to go sleep in another room where they would be given proper space away from each other, it was calm. No shouting or anything obnoxious.

When Louis woke up earlier in the morning, he was, yet not so surprised to see the lack of presence of his.. interesting friend? He wasn't sure too, He sat down on his desk, reevaluating her points, what had happened with them.

They had kissed, lip contact strictly. It was a few times, not a lot to be concerning, but what she said,, the points she made had some points. Why do you need to kiss someone, or pretend to have interest in them when no one is watching? What even are they anymore?

Sometimes he wasn't so sure why they kissed, was it the spur of the moment?

Pretend.. pretend? Was this even fake to him anymore? Yes, he found her stunning, cute, amusing. The way she'd glare at him with her eyes when he made a classical joke, her small habits, the sensitivity to her hat. How she treated it like she had everything to lose.

He wasn't so sure, nothing at all. He groaned as he pushed his head onto the table, cringing at his past actions. Mentally slapping himself silly.

But he figures he should get dressed for school, it appears to be that he's lacking a bit of energy. 

Then— there was a sudden halt, his phone buzzed for a first time. Louis thinking of ignoring it because one, Who's texting him at this time? Usually half of his circle of friends got to school around this time, and the other half would still be getting ready! Not caring at all to text him while they're at it..

But his phone goes off another, and another, and another! Basically spamming his phone to the point it was like a old nokia phone. He picks it up, his eyebrow perked up in surprise to see his mom— an aray of text messages on his screen.

Can you call right now? It read. His heart drops, and he quickly replies

Sure thing, Mom.

Now he's kind of nervous, she never usually took the time to call him at this time— if ever, she only called when there was a specific emergency.  A myriad of reasons managed to make through his mind.

Is she mad? Is this about dad? What if she's not happy with my performance at school? What if she just suddenly decided to transfer me? Oh no— then I'd have to leave Ericsons on a bad note with Clementine—

For a moment, he seemed to forgot that his mom was ringing him. Not wanting to make her wait any longer, he answers

"Lou." She breathed, she seemed frantic for a second

"Mom?" He speaks, trying to not make his voice sound shaky. The limited time he has doesn't want to be wasted because of how nervous he was, and for no reason either!

"Hi, I'm so happy for you!"


"W-what? Am I missing something?" He blinks, he sits on his bed— the floor creaking in response, he hopes the creaky college bed wasn't too loud for his mother to hear it, through the call.

She laughs. Good, she doesn't seem upset or anything. So it's not a call about his potential transfer, he's worrying too much.

"You have a girlfriend!"

Louis blinks, and his eyes are nearly as wide as saucers. Okay, who the hell snitched? He thinks to himself, and he wouldn't dare to mumble out a curse.

"I suppose so."

"I suppose so? Tell me about her!"

"Well mom, I would love to give you all the details but I have to get ready for school."

"Oh right— there was another reason why I called huh? I called because I wanted to know if I could.. probably meet her?" She seemed a little hesitant, asking her son that. Yes, they are fairly close. But ever since he moved to Ericsons, she found it a little hard to connect with him sometimes.

But he feels the same way, so who is he to judge?

"S-sure." He says, placing the phone down and pressing on the speaker option. But he also remembers that his girlfriend, isn't really his girlfriend.

"Who told you anyway?" He begins to dress for school, and she answers immediately

"I asked Marlon! I'm glad he's always keeping me up to date with you." She seems giddy behind the phone, and he could hear faint foot steps padding on his very familiar household floor.

Of course he said that. He grits his teeth, pulling down his shirt down his torso.

"What's her name? You haven't told me yet."

"..Clementine," He's hesitant, of course. Given the fact that she directly asked of him for some space, after he threw such a big tantrum. Embarrassing.

She hums, her soft breathing could be heard on the mic, as if like her phone is really pressed against her. "What a pretty name. You should ask her if she's available this weekend."

It's Thursday. He grimaces, walking into the bathroom— the phone still on his desk

He turns on the faucet, but he could still hear his mother ramble. A part of him is wondering where his little brother is, if he could hear his mother's consistent rambles.

"Okay, I'll try." After finishing his trip to the bathroom, he shuts the faucet.

"Oh, but I'm pretty sure she's hardworking right? I just want to meet her as soon as I could." He could sense that she's smiling as the words left her mouth. "I'll talk to you later Lou, Love you!"

"Love you too." He sighs, hanging up.

Now he has to figure out how to convince Clementine to meet his parents, while still playing as the act of his girlfriend.

He curses to himself that he allowed Marlon to ramble, but he can't blame him either. Unless he directly says it, Marlon wouldn't promise to not tell unless requested. That was just a Marlon thing to do.

This was going to be a long day, huh? He thinks while he's sliding his shoes on, double checking his things for the day before leaving.

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