10 - The Art of Jealousy

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word count : 1057

Well ofcourse, even though the air was cleared between them, there were obstacles to other things. Like that calculus test, and homework that the teachers just carelessly gave out, specifically on Math

But it wasn't like Clem had a problem with it, since she knew exactly was this about. Funny thing is, she studied the wrong page in 8th grade and ended up learning 10th grade math.

So there she was, giving quizzical looks at Gabe's work sheet, which he was silently praying that she wouldn't criticize him that cruelly. But knowing that, he actually didn't know

"Well you have one thing wrong that's for sure." She laughs, and shows his paper, and gosh— was it the stupidest mistake of his in his entire life

"Apparently for you, 3+12 is 17, dunno how that happened." She laughs, and changes his answer, which was probably the main issue of his work

Gabe's cheeks were flushed red, seeing that he made such a first grade mistake. "H-haha my bad.." He replies

Well, besides that problem— everything else was either wrong or somewhat incorrect. To Clem's surprise, Gabe was somewhat smart despite still being pretty explosive.

She didn't know what happened, but she would offer to help "If you want I could simplify Mr. Larry's math lessons."

It was a known fact that Mr. Larry was well, fine at teaching. But when it came to questions and elaborations, he didn't stand for it.

Gabe flushed even harder, which gained the attention of Louis across the room, seeing as if they were getting along waaaay too good for his taste

Why the hell was he so jealous? He didn't know what to feel about their friendship or fake relationship.

"Louis?" His head snaps back to his seatmate, Sophie "Did you get the lesson?"

He nods absentmindedly, looking at Mr. Larry  teach the class in a very fast pace, and Sophie having a neutral expression to his way of teaching

Louis looks back at the two, across the room. Still talking and smiling to each other, Even from across them, you can see the red in Gabe's face.

Oh if it weren't for the fact they were in class—

The thought of a rampage was just delight, but not necessary at the moment. The bell finally leaves, and for once Mr. Larry doesn't pull the "I dismiss you, not the bell."

Clem now turns to gather her belongings, and fixes her hat slightly, Gabe fumbling with his words "Okay so, i'll see you in a bit, after s—" 

"Gabe, we have Spanish together, might as well walk there together." Gabe stands there, realizing how dumb he was just right now

He laughs it off, and Clementine chuckles, gently punching his shoulder at how much of a goof he was acting.

Louis' jaw gaps wide, as he watches them exit the room together. Sophie snatches his attention, and they all get separated.

Lunch would be next, and currently Louis had to make an excuse to run to the spanish room, so he could catch up with Clementine. He got a glimpse of inside, only to see that Gabe was leaned over near her, making gestures on how to teach her a few vocab words

And at last, the doors opened, and Luckily enough— Clementine left alone "Oh, hey Louis."

He smiles, and rests his arm on her "Yes." He says, with actually, no context. "Are you from China?"

Clem blinks, not understanding for the first time "No??"

"Well, because" His smile gets warmer and warmer by the second

Oh no.

"I'm china smash." When he finished, he marveled at the sight of Clementine choking on her laughter, leaning against a wall, holding it in.

She rolls her eyes and laughs at the pick up line, but changes the subject "Soo did anything happen with you today?" Louis grimaces, the memories of Gabe and Clem together run through his brain

"You seem pretty friendly with Gabe lately." Clementine raises an eyebrow "Awww is Belouga jealous?" She teased

Even though she was just teasing, well, she was right. But for what reason did he even have to be jealous? Nothing really, they were just talking

But that's what it didn't look like to Louis at least. With Gabe's tomato ass face and all

"Relaxx," She rests her hand against his back "He's just struggling with a lot."

Yeah, and he totally pretends to be unable to do basic math for well, the sake of it.

Now it's the end of the day. The time where Clementine could take up her chance and tutor Gahe, which made his stomach swarm with butterflies

This caused some havoc in occur in the dread head, he was panicking— pacing around the room

Clementine peers her head up, seeing the tensed boy "What's happening?" She laughs

"Where are you going?" He asks, though he already knew where he's going and who she's be meeting, the amber eyed girl raises an eyebrow to his question

"I'm meeting Gabe remember?" She fixes her hat, she even changed her shoes for this, and she always wears her combat boots

He frowns, he gets up from the bed and grabs her gently "No, you're staying with me." Clementine tenses by the sudden protectiveness, she ponders what he had to be so protective about.

"Louis" She calls him, looking at him in the eyes "It'll be a moment, okay?"

He was desperate at this point, it was in his eyes— his feelings were just swarmed and intruded with so many feelings of jealousy, without really thinking, he touches the back of her neck gently and pulls in, their lips touching once more

Clementine shakes slightly during the kiss, unable to predict the kiss to even happen— she closes her eyes to finally accept the kiss, enjoying the warmth he was sharing with her, and the security of his arms being around her

He pulls back, slightly red in the face— he checks her expression to see the effect of the kiss onto the shorter girl, Her golden eyes were widened slightly, her lips were slightly parted, glossy from the kiss, and especially the fact that her face was reddening

She breaks into a small smile, "I'll think about it," She presses against him, "As long as you kiss me again."

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