4 - Quick to Know

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note/s : okay so in this story it's optional to go into a dorm if you can afford it, however you're encouraged on it. and the school allows people to visit their houses and their original places (that's not their dorms) whenever, not late at night (this ain't making sense eye-)

The worst thing about being cuffed was that They learned about way too in detail things about each other. Like the fact that while changing, Louis accidentally turned and got a glimpse of a bullet hole at the top of her left breast, and near to her shoulder. He found himself staring a bit too much, as Clementine poked his eyes to prevent him from judging her. It never occurred to him that she got shot. Not to mention that fire burn tattoo that she has, which Louis has no idea how and why it got there.

And the fact that Clementine found herself into her deep void of confused state, she immediately snapped out of it when Louis was pulling on his shirt. She immediately turned around when Louis caught a hold of her staring, and decided to taunt her.

And the other thing, is that they found out about a lot of things about them, that Clem barely eats breakfast and if she does she gets sick for a moment. And that Louis absolutely hates cantaloupe, and well.. his favorite fruit are Clementines

Clementine scowls when he ate Clementines for a snack one time, he stares back "What, you want one?" He stops and chuckles "Wait, isn't that cannibalism?"

Clementine shrugs and moves on with what she was doing.

Another thing that Louis found out was that it was going to be her 17th birthday eventually. He didn't realise that it was near October and spook season. She never told him for what reason? He doesn't know yet. Her phone buzzes, and she checks the alert "Ah shit." She cusses and turns off her phone

"What is it?" He asks, looking down at her phone. She says nothing "Nothing, just a weird calendar thing." Louis shakes his head "I know it's your birthday soon." Clem shakes her head "And so??" Louis turns to her "You're not celebrating?" Louis on his side, he celebrated his birthday whenever and in the boujee-est way. A very expensive party with everything he wants, but his birthday has already past, has it

"I never really celebrate. And it's near halloween so I visit graveyards and such." But who's graveyard was the question, but it wasn't something he was going to ask "Let's celebrate." He claims, already thinking of a party idea.

"Just not a surprise party." She claims "I feel like they give me a quick heart attack." Louis could agree, but he found it entertaining if it was a surprise party. So Louis began to organise things with Marlon and Violet, Sarcastically typing that his beloved girlfriend's birthday is coming up soon so they need a party soon.

"What does your family do?" Clem takes a simple sip of water "Nothing too extravagant, because they respect my wishes and do nothing but buy me cake and a few presents from time to time" Louis was about to question why but— "I bet you get vintage watches and juul for presents." Clem was partially right

"I don't do juul though." Louis laughs, "Yeah, but you probably get watches and everything that screams rich. Can't relate."
Louis admires the sass that was just oozing out of the girl, and wraps her closer Does Clem even want to ask about what he did? She rather not.

Finally, it came to the day where Louis and Clementine have freedom, not being linked together with the cuffs and uncomfortable metal digging into their wrists. Clementine celebrates, well- more than she celebrates when she's on her birthday.

The first thing she does is find Gabe, Gabe was just eating pudding while watching Youtube. He immediately sees the girl approaching and closes his phone and sits up straight, his cheeks rosy. Clementine thought he was quite cute, but she was aware of his feelings "Hi Clem." He notices her free wrist and smiles, offering her a seat. "It's going to be your birthday soon."

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