1, 2, 3 Just me

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As a child, I would learn

One, two, three

Now, I question

What is me?

As a child I was taught to go forward

To always keep my head up and to look ahead

Like one, two, three

Now, I'm not sure anymore

I'm looking back

Back to what went wrong

No more looking forward

Three, two, one


3. Develop eating disorder

2. Start self harming

1. Be bullied

Or maybe it was

3. Develop depression

2. Withdraw myself from my previous life

1. Start hating myself

All of the things in my life have led me to this point

What i was taught as a child was a lie

You can't be whatever you want

You can't do whatever you want

Everyone is not your friend

You dont live just going forward like 1, 2, 3

No longer am I looking forward

I'm looking back

I'm looking to what went wrong

I'm looking down

Three, two, one

But maybe nothing went wrong

Maybe I was taught wrong from the beginning

You see, if I was never taught one, two, three

Then I would never have believed that three, two, one is backwards

It's just a matter of perspective

But what is me?

Am I defined by what I've been taught?

What I do?

If I am, then I guess some would say I'm backwards

Like three, two, one..

But I would say,

No I'm not backwards

I'm not defined by the standards I was taught

Like one, two, three

I'm unique

I'm special

I'm me

And I teaching myself

There is nothing wrong with being just me

-Poems of Struggle-Where stories live. Discover now