As The Feeling Returns..

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As I start to feel numb again

I grab my release, my razor, to begin

This painful process has become a part of me

It is the way I have chosen to be

I look down at the sharp shiny steel

That has become my only way to feel

I block out all my other thoughts

Close off the rest of my soul that sits and rots

I roll up my sleeve and expose my arm

Getting ready to self-harm

I press my only friend to my skin

Ignoring my promises to my kin

I make the first cut

Digging myself farther into this rut

Making another, another, and another

Slowly blocking out the yells from my family and mother

I watch as the blood rolls down

Not making any sound

I clean up the mess I’ve made

‘Cus if my family knew they would be afraid

Finally feeling the satisfaction of my release 

I realize I’m losing myself, piece by piece

Coming back to my sucky life

I wonder if I should just end it all with a knife

But know I can’t leave those I love behind

No matter what goes through my mind

-Poems of Struggle-Where stories live. Discover now