The Catalyst

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Been having trouble all day posting this new story but here it is! As Homeward Bound comes to a close I'd like to share with you all something I've been cooking up.

Warning: Contents may contain some psychological/emotional trigger, especially if you are a parent, but it shouldn't be too bad.


Present day

"Bin, you have a package addressed to you from Daegu," Park Min Young, his second in command said, her head peering from the door of his office.

The mention of Daegu halted his rapid typing on his computer keyboard. He could feel the blood draining from his brain. Only one person from Daegu would send him something.

Hyun Bin narrowed his brows and pushed back against his chair. "Give it to me."

Min Young walked over to place the thick, tanned clasped envelop on his desk. Before leaving, she gave him a look of concern.

"Do you need anything else?"

He shook his head and reached for the package, trying to maintain a steady hand.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes thank you," he repeated. "You can take the rest of the day off."

Min Young stiffened in surprise. "It's fine. I'll leave when you do." She bowed and left the room.

Bin turned the envelope around and his heart lurched after reading the name of the returnee.

Son Yejin.

He closed his eyes, his suspicion having been affirmed. By the thickness of the package, he could only guess what it was.

He unclasped the hook on the envelope and took out the stacked sheets of paper, his chest palpitating like drum beats, loud and deafening to his senses.

There it was, in bold letters was his name and Yejin, along with the title "Divorce Agreement".

He cursed under his breath. It's been five years. The first years when she had sent him these papers, his only response was sending it back. It infuriated her, but he had told her time and time again that he wasn't going to sign it.

After a year of trying and coming up dry, she had stopped, and they remained somewhat at peace. He left it be. She continued her life in Daegu and he stayed in Seoul.

So why is she sending this again? All the possible reasons only made him sick.

Bin flipped through the content and saw her signature on some of the pages. He peeled off the pink sticky note on the cover page to read its content.

Bin, do not ignore this again. I mean it.

He looked at the time on the wall and saw that it was already noon. This mood killer did help him lose his appetite for lunch. Getting up from his desk, he picked up his blazer that was wrapped around his chair and shrugged it on.

Bin pressed on a speaker button of the phone by his planner. "Min Young, I'll be going out so I won't make any meetings for the rest of the day. You're in charge."

"Will do. Come get your share."

He walked out of his office, passed by Min Young at her desk, who threw him a clear packet of cookies. Bin caught it without breaking a stride and made a beeline for the exit.

If he makes it before the rush, perhaps he can catch Yejin before she finishes her classes. It will be his first visit to Daegu in a while, but it was time he had a talk with his wife.

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