Chapter 1: New beginnings. Hunting for pirates.

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(2 year time skip from previous season)

Carly's POV
     "Cough up the berries!" my voice rang through the marine headquarters as I threw a wanted pirate to the floor. Pushing my foot on his back, I heard cries come from his weak mouth. Some Marines came over and handed me a large brown sack, looking inside I found every piece of the pirate's bounty. I smirked and threw the bag over my shoulder while walking over to a small desk, plopping the newly acquired sack onto it. The desk shook making my friend's head stick up from her book. Paige laughed and laid back in the small wooden chair.
"You're back early, that pirate was supposed to be tough." she snickered. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her.
"You kidding me! He was easiest this month!" I chuckled as she smiled. Paige is almost like my sister, we've been inseparable ever since... ever since I got here. For the past two years I've been hunting pirates for their bounties and collecting more treasure than ever. Paige snapped her fingers pulling me out of my thoughts before speaking.
"Anyway,.." she paused looking down at my scarred arms, another new scratch running down it that I got while fighting the pirate. Before continuing she pulled out some bandages from her drawer and patched it up.
"How was the journey to find him?" she asked gesturing to the pirate who was now being carried away by two marine soldiers. I shrugged at her question.
"It was alright I guess, not super interesting." I answered as her marine boyfriend walked over.
"Hope you liked your reward." he said to me before kissing her forehead. I hated seeing the two of them together, not because they weren't a good couple, but because it makes me remember things that I try to forget. I shook off the feeling and smiked.
"Of course I did! Who doesn't love a good sack of berries" I laughed. Right about now you might be wondering why the Marines haven't captured me for being that crazy pirate captain girl and whatever. Well upon coming here I made a deal with them, I catch them some pirates and they forget about the old me. It took some convincing, but eventually they gave in.
"So you got anymore pirates for me to bring here chief?" I asked Paige's boyfriend. He thought for a second.
"Well, I haven't heard any, but I can go check in our records for anymore that we've been wanting." he said before walking off. I laid back in my chair and put my feet up on her desk. She slowly pushed them out of the way of where she was working and gave a slight laugh.
"You've already taken in so many pirates this month, maybe you should take a break for a little." Paige suggested. I laughed and rest my hands behind my head.
"Nah! I'd know if I was working too hard." I replied. Paige shrugged and continued to read her book. Tapping lightly on her desk, I looked around the marine headquarters. I never thought in my entire life that I would ever be sitting in a place like this. My dream, always to be a pirate and sail the world, has now come to capturing them for money. A sigh escaped my mouth as I thought of the times when I used to run around with pretend swords and play around, never thinking I could ever grow up to be someone. I'm nineteen now and everything that I thought I wanted has been cast away.
     Paige and I hung out for a couple of hours in her room while she's been getting some work done. I threw yet another knife at the dart board across the room as I heard her scribble stuff onto her papers.
"Haha bullseye!" I shouted, throwing my hands up in celebration. Yami, Paige's boyfriend, ran into the room holding a folded up piece of paper as I threw another knife.
"Woah!" he shouted, ducking down to avoid getting stabbed. I frowned as the knife hit the wall instead of the board.
"Hey idiot! You threw off my shot!" I yelled at him as Paige shot me a glare. He fixed his hat that had the words "marine" written on it and walks over to me.
"Sorry Carly." he mumbled. I rolled my eyes as he handed me the paper.
"What's this?" I asked, still annoyed. I opened the paper to be met with two big black eyes that I haven't seen in at least two years. Throwing the paper to the side, I got up off her bed.
"Carly you said you wanted another pirate to catch and I've got you one. Whats the problem?" he questioned my recent actions. Slowly pacing around the room, I crossed my arms lost in thought.
"I'm not doing it. Get me another." I ordered the marine boy. He sighed and picked up the wanted poster.
"Sorry Carly, but we weren't exactly asking you do to it. It's an order." he answered. A small grunt came from my mouth as I pinched the top of my nose.

(Two years earlier)

     "So what, you were just gonna go!" I asked the swordsman, tears forming in my eyes.
"You didn't think I would at least like a goodbye!" I practically screamed, the words getting stuck in my throat. Zoro frowned looking not amused.
"You and I both know what would have happened if Luffy and I told you about this. This is only something that him and I could do, and I'm not gonna risk you getting hurt.. not on my watch." he replied before going to hug me. Tears clouded my eyes as I pushed him away.
"You don't trust me enough Zoro! I can help you, but you always have to say no!" my words choked out, tears falling faster. Sanji was about to step in before zoro pushed him away.
"I don't trust you! I can't even go in a room by myself without you asking if I was with any other girls!" he yelled.
"You know what! I don't care anymore, because you're not my boyfriend anymore!" I screamed at the boy. He stood silent for a second before frowning again.
"Fine." he mumbled before walking off with Luffy.

*memory ended*

I left the crew right after that, sailing on my own until finding this place. I didn't wanna ever see him again, but now it seems like I don't really have a choice. I snatched the paper from Yami and walked over to the door.
"I better get one heck of a reward out of this!" I yelled before slamming the door.

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