Chapter 1

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I walked barefoot over the soft green grass that grew around the forest. My light pink dress flowing carelessly around me. I saw a peek of blue on the horizon and my pace quicken to get closer, the surface of the floor slowly changing from green grass to pure white sand. I realized I had reached a beautiful beach and threw myself to the soft sand, giggling. The sun kissed my pale skin, filling it with warmness. A smile planted on my face as I looked around, it was a beautiful scene as the small waves reached the shore and the sun lighted up the whole scenery, from the water to the sand to the forest.

My eyes caught a silver horse galloping along the edge of the water, I stood up and walked closer. I noticed it's slightly darker colored wings and was mesmerize as my body inched closer to the creature.

"Hi" I whispered once I reached it's side. His/her's head nodded my way and I caught a glimpse of his/hers pale blue eyes. My hand reached shakily to pet it's long soft neck. It stepped closer, it's hoods clicking on the wet sand, I could tell she/he liked my touch and I smiled, feeling happy it didn't run away scared.. I stepped back slightly admiring him/her as a whole.

I had seen horses only a couple of times when my dad had taken me horseback riding. I always loved them and thought they were lovely animals but never had I seen a wing'ed horse. Well not in real life, I had seen in drawings and pictures from the Internet but I could only think they were fake until now.

The horse arched his/her neck down and it's knees slightly bended to minimize his/her hight. I hoped into his/her side and it spread it's wings at it's side as he/she galloped along the beach. The wings began to move up and down until we were no longer touching the floor, I got scared for a second and grabbed onto the horse's mane tighter, leaning in to stabilize my balance. Laughter escape my mouth as the the air hit my face and we flew over the water. We had slow down enough speed that I could see clearly the creatures in the water beneath our feet.

I saw what I believe were half human and half fish creatures. Another thing i thought were fake until now. They were in a bunch, like a school of fish, and they all wave at me smiling kindly, I wave back and they jump above water. I smiled and looked ahead where we were reaching another island, this one looked bigger and in it's highest mountain I saw a big castle. We flew towards the top of it and landed gracefully on a white and black marble floor. He/She came to a halt and I hoped off. As I pat his/her body, metal clinking caught my attention and I looked behind me. A man stood in full body armored, he was completely engulf in metal, except for his mouth which remained uncovered.

"umm.. Hi" I said waving awkwardly. "I, umm... Rode this... And landed here, I didn't know how to control it" I excuse myself, feeling my cheeks redden with a blush. I could see his lips pull up in a smile.

"It's a Pegasus, her name is Celest. She brought you here because this is her home, she lives freely, comes and goes out of here and I guess she found interest in you and brought you to us" His deep voice explained, he had a unrecognizable accent. I looked over to Celest and grin, it was pretty name and suited her perfectly.

"Oh" it was the only thing that could come out my mouth.

"What's your name?" He asked stepping closer, metal echoing against marble.

"Cecelia" I answered surprised with myself, usually I used my nickname, which was Cece, since I really didn't like my full name. He nodded and extended his arm.

"That's a lovely name" he complimented, shaking my hand. I was tempted to roll my eyes, most said that but they really thought it was weird name. Yet, the way he said it didn't caught on to that he was lying. He sounded genuinely honest.

"And you are?" I asked sweetly, curious to know the identity of whom hide behind the armor. He smiled widen as he answered. "Why I'm the prince, my name's S-"

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