Chapter 7

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I walked for what seems hours. My cheeks were red and sticky with dried tears. Every time I remembered the reason I was stuck in this situation my eyes would swell up and out came new tears. I just kept walking keeping my eyes focused for any signs I recognized that could lead me back home.

The street was empty, dark, cold and dangerous. I had heard if this street before. It was mellac street one of the streets that usually made the headlines for murders and robbers. A girl alone like me, it was only a matter of time before someone took advantage of the opportunity. The street wasn't the cleanest either, it was filled with empty bottles of all alcoholic drinks you could think of and used packages of cigarets. It smelled of dead animals and smoke. A couple of cars drove by, their drivers would either glare at me assuming I was a no-good street slut or they would look at me with pity thinking maybe I had been kicked out of my house and now lived on the streets, either way no one bothered me.

My head was throbbing and before I thought it was just because of my crying but then I notice the pain came from one specific part of my head. I reached back and touched it gently, instantly wincing in pain. I put my hand and saw a gooey red liquid staining my fingers. Guess that hit on the head back the fountain was harder than I thought. I instantly felt dizzy, I was we'll aware that if I didn't treat the wound I might faint. Here was definitely not a good place to pass out.

"Just perfect" I said to myself and kicked a rock under my feet. Why was I so stupid? I shouldn't have run. It was something a stupid little kid would do. Seb shouldn't have reacted that way, but it was true. Every word he said (or yelled) to me was true. I was being an utter bitch to him without me knowing. I was usually tolerant, I don't know what it is about him that bothers me so much. He wasn't that bad... I guess... I wasn't being reasonable. He was a bit playfully in a annoying, cute way. I should apologize next time I see him, if I see him again.

For a small moment I stopped walking, behind me I could swear I heard faint foot steps, each time getting louder and louder. Had someone been following me without me noticing? I sped my steps, hopefully he would leave me alone. Obviously today wasn't my day because his pace quicken as well, I was practically running.

"Hey! Stop!" The man yelled behind me. Yeah right like I was gonna listen to him. I kept running faster and faster.

"Cece!" the man yelled and I almost stopped. Had he called me Cece? How did he know my name? I really didn't want to find out at the moment so I kept running as fast as I could. He kept calling me and every time it sounded closer and the voice more familiar. Yet I didn't dare look behind me. My head wasn't helping. I didn't know how I hadn't fallen yet, the dizziness was getting worse and I was sure to faint. The stranger would take my body and kill me or maybe rape me, I was beyond scared.

I crossed the street and that was one of my biggest mistake.

"Cecelia!" The man called but this time I recognized the voice, it was Seb!

"Seb!" I looked back and almost cried with joy, although he didn't seem to be as happy as me.

"CECELIA!!" He yelled again this time four feet away from me, he has looking at me with horror and I finally noticed his warning when I looked to the side. Two blinding lights that came from a truck. It honked loud and my knees buckled. Everything blurred and I fell to the ground.

Last I remember was Seb extending his arms. One in front of me in a protective way and the other In front of him, outstretched to the truck. I don't know what happened, I heard wheels making a sound like a cat dying and I felt Seb on top of me, I swear I felt a tear fall on my nose and roll down to my cheek. The last thing I heard was his worried, gentle voice whispering.



I was gonna leave up to here but it seemed too short... So keep reading!!!


Seb's POV.

I made a mistake. I knew it as soon as the words left my mouth. I regret it, I shouldn't have said that. It wasn't like me at all. Then again whenever it came to her I wasn't myself much. Not in a bad way (well not always) she made me laugh. Something I haven't done in a while. She is so funny, maybe I did push it to far when I ticked her off. I didn't mean too. I'd hope we would become friends a long the way but I just throw all that away to the trash.

Then again I was mad, beyond mad. I almost exposed my biggest secret. Thank god Kate was there, she sort of reminded me to keep focus. Still her comment was way too much. My life was perfect? I wish! She couldn't judge me without knowing me! She had no idea what I had to go through! Maybe she didn't realize what she was saying, she was mad she was letting out steam. I guess it was wrong in both sides.

I didn't have time to push further into my thoughts, Cece was running away, I had to get her back as soon as possible. I tracked her easily but I sensed something wrong about her, she was injured. Something serious. Her head! The fountain! All I knew was I needed to find her as fast as possible. I passed as many streets as I could. Finally I found a girl, she looked like her but I didn't want to just jump on some random girl. The girl must've noticed someone behind her, she had quicken her pace. I instantly knew that was Cece. I sensed her panic. As scared as she was, I could possibly skip with joy, I was ok.

"Cece!" I called her, and started sprinted to her. I called her name various of times but she didn't look back. I could sense she was get even more scared, she was also getting sicker. I knew she would pass out any moment now. I was so close to her when she crossed the street and my heart sunk. A truck was racing in her direction.

"Cecelia!" I yelled at her, trying to warn her. She turned around and smiled widely at me. I didn't smile back. I kicked my feet so I could run as fast as possible. She finally turned around and notice the giant truck and she fainted, in the middle of the street, with the truck in front of her. I couldn't let it hit her. So I threw myself in front of her and pushed the car away.


Now, I'm really over! Hope you liked the chapter! There are things that you might not get but I promise you will understand in the next couple of chapters.





Seb \*-*/**

Cece 0_o

Pixie ;)

Dani :$

Kate :}

Abby ???

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