Chapter 8

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Cece's POV.


I was back in a forest. It looked like the forest from the first dream but this one was different. It was more alive, the trees and plants were a little bit greener and the exotic colors were vibrant. There was a path of dirt highlighted with purple flowers. I followed the path, it led to a small labyrinth. The bushes that formed the edges weren't talk enough for me to be confused. I could see what was ahead. I kept following the path. It got a little brighter with every step. I crossed a rope bridge that was over the most crystal clear and blue waters I've ever seen in my life. I didn't stop to admire the beauty, it seemed urgent that I get to the end of the path. I ran along reentering into some woods. I got the feeling that something was in them so my pace didn't slow down. Finally were the path ended was an arch.

The arch was made out of thick twisted vines and it touched the ground with both ends. The vines had blood-red flowers growing of them. I ran my finger through them, they were soft. The arch looked fragile, like it would brake if a strong winf blew. The inside of the arch was like a mirror, it shimmered and reflected light. I wanted to go in, see what on the other side. I was sure it wasn't what I was looking at if I stepped behind it. I was about to step inside when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around expecting to see Seb but instead stood a women. She looked like a grown version of me.

"Not yet" she spoke, her voice was smooth and gentle. It felt like it caressed me and I got a warm feeling inside.

The women was my mother.


My eyes fluttered open but I quickly closed them. A bright, blinding light, as blinding as the truck's light, wasn't letting me see. My first thought came.

I was dead.

That truck must've hit me, crashed me and now I was dead. I was in heaven. Soon I would see God, Jesus, The virgen Marie and all the angels. I might see my mom too.... I suddenly felt happy, I was gonna see my mom. That was good. Despise me being dead, it was a positive thought.

"Doctor I think she's waking up!!" I heard someone say. Seb. I almost rolled my eyes.

Way to ruin my heaven, Seb.

I opened my eyes despite the sudden pain.

"Seb, what the hell, Ow!" I cried out and a sharp pain shot to my head. Seb looked both guilty and unbelievably happy.

"What did you do to me! This is what happens when you push me!!" I screamed at him and he glanced at me with hurt in his eyes. Flashbacks of what happened on the previous night replayed in my head. Everything that had happened. The fountain. The screaming. The running. How he had somehow saved me from a truck that was suppose to crush me.

"Cece, I'm sorry-" He started.

"Seb, I'm sorry! I know I'm being a bitch, sorry! You saved me! Oh my gosh are you ok?! How are you alive!? I mean I'm happy you are but... I'm sorry" I started tearing up and he smiled slightly. Someone cleared their throat and I saw a man in his mid-forty's with a white coat and a clip board by my the side of my bed.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave while I check on her" The doctor said looking directly at Seb. Seb looked reluctant to leave but he did, the doctor then turned to me with a kind smile.

"I'm Dr. Statz, now I'm gonna ask you some question but first, Does your head hurt?" He introduced himself and I nodded. He took some white capsules from his pocket and handed one to me. I drank it with the glass of water on the nightstand next to me.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked his first question, his hand ready to scribble on the clipboard.

"Sort of, well... I know what happened but just before the truck hit me its pretty blurry. I know a truck hit me. I don't know how I am alive." I explained to him quickly. The doctor smiled a bit.

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