Chapter 23 - The Plan

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Mallika's POV

The next day, I had already gotten ready for work and was waiting for Sumedh to pick me up, we didn't even text each other confirming about the time as it had now become a habit. I heard his car and I waved at my parents and ran out the door.

What I saw caused me to stumble a bit but I regained myself and got into the backseat and greeted Sumedh. Why in the backseat? Because Elina was in the front seat. And I'm sure Sumedh must have told her that I usually sit there but being the brainless bimbo she is, she surely couldn't catch a hint.

My eyes met Sumedh's through the mirror. He looked pretty apologetic but I waved it off. I had been warned about how Elina was. So I didn't worry about anything bad happening. The only thing I was suspicious of was that I had seen Ayan and Elina together. I made a mental note to share this with Kira. Later though. We don't want our dear Kira going all detective and forgetting Dau in the process.

Speaking of Kira, Sumedh and I were going to implement a plan, to get our two lovebirds to reunite. They basically had all the characteristics of a couple, they just weren't dating. So we had to make that happen. I owed them that much for what they did for me.

We reached the office and took the lift together. Elina had asked me to show her around the office as it was her first day. I had agreed, but as soon as she stepped out of the lift to go into the office, I was pulled back into the lift by two strong arms. Sumedh.

"What are you doing? I need to show her the office. What if she gets lost?" I exclaimed.

"She's Elina, she'll find a way!" Sumedh winked.

"Besides, we have something important to plan and your work doesn't start at 8 a.m!" Sumedh argued.

"Excuse me, I was asked to come in early by Ayan." I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Oh okay fine!" He replied with a sad face.

"We'll meet at lunch!" His face lightened up and I left for the office.

"Hi Mallika, how are you now?!" Ayan greeted me, Elina was standing next to him. My jaw dropped. Ayan? With manners? I feel like this is some kind of parallel universe. Omg.

"Elina, have you completed all the procedures? Come I'll take you to the HR!" I offered.

"Actually Mallika, Ayan already helped me. I'm in your team, did you know that? I'm also sitting next to you, Miku." She said and hugged me. Eww get away from me! Wtf was this?! She's sitting next to me. I have to endure her presence at work too, in addition to the awkward car ride. Kill me!!!!

I plastered a fake smile as I sat down and started working. Surprisingly, Ayan didn't bother me at all today for which I was very thankful. I live for quiet days like these. Well quiet on Ayan's part.. Elina was a chatterbox and most of the time she asked dumb questions. I wonder how she even got the job.

Finally it was time for lunch. Time for the plan. I started running out of the door to go and meet Sumedh. Kira called after me, but I pretended not to hear her, because she shouldn't be where I'm going right now.

Sumedh and I met, had lunch and discussed our plan to get Kira and Dau together. Sure, they had had their first date, but you can't really call it a date, considering Dau had barely spoken to her. Also, they were in the beginning phase when they were just starting to know each other. Then Elina happened. They had to take care of me, basically neglecting their relationship and focusing on us. I had to fulfill my part as a friend /sister/sister in law?.

Once lunch was over I headed back to work.


The big day was finally here. The week went on pretty well. Work was honestly going smoothly, Ayan wasn't irritating, I got used to the awkward car rides along with Elina and I silenced her questions as I put my earphones on at work to prevent myself from hearing her voice.

Sumedh and I had already shared our ideas for Dau and Kira and today was the day we were going to implement it. I was at Sumedh's place. Sumedh's parents, Dau's mum and my parents had all gone out together, leaving us kids alone. This was the perfect occasion for us to execute everything.

I made small talk about wanting to remain fit and started asking Dau for tips about how to strengthen myself. Meanwhile Sumedh had gone out to get Kira. I started to get Dau into more personal talks and dropped the Kira bomb on him. He fumbled with his words a bit but I managed to get him to admit he liked Kira and wanted to propose her. Bingo, phase 1 done. Now it was up to Sumedh.

Sumedh's POV

I knocked on Kira's door. To say she was surprised to see me at her door would be an understatement. But then again, as her to be brother in law, she had to get used to it. I realised that while Kira and I bonded over Mallika. We didn't really know each other all that well.

So I sat down and started talking to her. She knew already that I loved Mallika. It was up to me to get her to talk about Dau, so I could be sure they both feel the same and then proceed with our plan.

"Sumedh, listen when you confess to Mallika, please make sure you don't hurt her.. She's very sensitive." Kira said. I admired her concern towards Mallika. It proves that she's a very good friend as well as a great partner for Dau.

"Yeah of course, I'll never do something to hurt her feelings, Kira. But let's talk about your know boys.. Dau..." I trailed off, eyeing her reaction from the corner of my eye. She looked flustered. So far so good. Now I had to get her to admit it.

"Dau never stops talking about you, you know? He really likes you.." I spoke. I could tell this caught her by surprise because she suddenly whirled towards me and said 'Really' meekly. This wasn't the tough Kira I was used to. This was the soft hearted and in love Kira.

After a while of convincing her regarding Dau. She agreed to come with me when she came to know Mallika would also be there.

What she didn't know, was that even though Mallika and I would be there. We wouldn't be staying with her and Dau.

I walked out of Kira's apartment with a smile on my face as I checked my phone. It was a text from Mallika.

'Next phase. Proposal/date. Goodluck Partner ✨'

Great. This meant Dau has successfully admitted his feelings. And Kira too. I sent a quick text 'Next phase begins now, Partner! 🥳' before driving off to my house with Kira.

The plan was going perfectly. Now we just had one more thing to do.


Hey guys!

I apologize for not updating! Work was very hectic this week! 😭🤦🏻‍♀️

I hope this wasn't too boring 😬

Next up will be Dau and Kira's date/proposal. Might pop in Dau's or Kira's POV. 🤭

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Lots of love ✨❤️


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