Chapter 16 - Caring Pt 2

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Sumedh's POV

(After visiting Mallika)

When I arrived home, my Mum was surprised to see me come home early. She offered me some tea and snacks. Mum thought I was tired and needed rest, hence the reason why I left work early. She didn't know about Mallika. Come to think of it now, I guess Dad knew Mallika since he was friends with Mallika's dad.

After having tea and snacks, I went straight to Dad's room. He wasn't there. Must be in the study room. He handles his business from home. He offered Dau and I to join him but we had passions of our own and followed that instead. Our parents were always very supportive.

I went to the study room and there he was. I knocked lightly on the glass door announcing my presence.

"Sumedh. You're home so early? Come sit here with me." Dad said, patting the space next to him on the couch.

"Yeah, actually I was a bit tired and I went to meet Mallika. She's sick. You know Mallika, right? Her dad told me you guys were great friends. Did you meet him?" I asked.

Dad put away his laptop and turned to me.

"How can I forget Mallika? Her dad and I were great friends, still are infact. I forgot to tell you guys. We met in the supermarket (cause that's where people are most likely to meet right? 😂😂) and we talked for a while. Infact, we talked about you and Mallika." My dad revealed.

"Oh that's great then. Can you tell me more about you guys?" I asked out of sheer curiosity.

"We used to go to the same school. We were..well still are best friends. We got married in the same year as well. Your mum and Mallika's mum were good friends too. We lost touch after we moved. We moved shortly after Mallika was born so it makes sense that you wouldn't know her. Then when we did move back in, you were around 16 and then you left for university. But what's surprising is that even though it's been years since I met Vrishbhan (Mallika's dad), our bond hasn't changed in the slightest."

I smiled. So dad and uncle had already met, which explains why uncle recognised me without ever meeting me. I did ressemble my dad.

"Yeah, I went to their place today actually.. Before coming here.. Mallika and I have become friends and now she's sick. So I went to see her. Uncle and Aunty were very worried about her." I told Dad.

"Actually Vrishbhan and Kirti (Mallika's mum) were having some complications with the pregnancy, so Yashoda and I helped them find good doctors. Mallika was a miracle, really.  I understand their concern. It's good that you and Mallika are friends."

"Yeah. Well you work, I'll go rest for a while." I said and turned to leave.

"Sumedh, when Mallika gets better, do invite her for dinner. And her parents as well. We can catch up with their family and I'll get to see Mallika too." Dad said with a smile. I nodded.

Hmm so dad and uncle were friends. Why does it feel like me meeting Mallika was destined? I smiled.

After finishing up my dinner that night, I went straight to bed. Once again, I couldn't sleep. Is this what happens when you're in love?

(The next day - Friday)

The next morning I woke up really early, having had little to no sleep. I was still thinking of Mallika. I freshened up and went to Dau's room. Dau woke up early everyday as he had to work out and plan his whole day at the gym. Also, it may or may not have to do with Kira. Considering both of us brothers were getting caught up in girls.

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