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* 12 years later *

Bruce was standing inside the room on the yacht, watching Talia as she poured a drink. " What do you want?" he asked her. She looked over from her shoulder. " Would you like a drink beloved?" she asked in response.

He crossed his arms on his chest and grunted. Talia shrugged. " Fine," she sighed, " Let's get straight to business then," she put down her glass and turned to Bruce. " My father is dead," she said sternly.

" Which father?" Bruce asked. Talia gave him a look. " How many fathers do I have?" she shot. Then she took a deep breath. " Ra's Al Ghul is dead- for good this time. He has been assassinated," she stated.

Bruce cocked a brow. " Isn't that ironic?" he mused. Talia rolled her eyes. " What does that have anything to do with me?" he asked. She flicked her tongue. " The same person who came for my father is also coming for... for, him," she stuttered.

" Who?" Bruce asked. Talia took a deep breath and walked away from him, to the curtains. She opened them to a reveal a boy dressed in black, holding a duffel bag. " Father," the boy said. Bruce furrowed his brows.

Talia put one of his hands on the boy's shoulder and turned to Bruce. " Meet Damian Wayne," she said. Bruce felt like he had been shot at the head. Damian walked toward him and stood before him. " Huh, I thought you'd be taller Father," he said.

Bruce was looking at him. The boy looked exactly like him, the hair, the bone structre, the looks. Everything. Except for one thing. His eyes. His eyes were green and shined- just like her's used to.

" Damian, give us a second please," Talia said. Damian huffed and got out of the room. Bruce turned to Talia. " Explain," he ordered. He was beyond angry. His son was alive. " You told me that they were dead, they were both dead. For ten years, I've lived with that, EXPLAIN,"

Talia put her hands up protectively. " You know my father, when you wouldn't join, and when he found out you were having a kid, he had made up his mind, you know how little say I have when his mind is up, beloved, calm down," she tried to explain.

Bruce suddenly gasped. " Is she- Is she alive too? Did you lie about that too?" he asked. Talia could see his desperation even under his mask. She frowned. " I'm afraid that part was true. She really died, while giving birth. The only thing we lied about was Damian, he had been well all this time and we have trained him to take over after my father one day,"

" Which is why you have to protect him. It was Slade who murdered my father. Because he found out his plans about Damian. You see, he always thought he would take over one day but when Damian came into the picture, he knew he wouldn't. And the fact that he delivered him to my father's hands on a silver platter made him even angrier. I will take care of it, but while I do, I need to assure Damian is safe. And who would protect him better than you, his own father, right?"

Bruce took a deep breath. " I can't understand how you can do such a heartless thing, not telling me my son was alive all this time, and telling it to me now that his life is in danger? You're going to hell Talia," he said. Talia grabbed her drink and took a sip. " You're talking as if I don't know that already sweetheart," she replied.

Bruce was honestly surprised by himself by how well he had it all together at this moment. He had thought he both lost the love of his life and his baby but now he found out that his son was alive and well. " Anything else I should know?" he asked calmly.

" Oh yeah," Talia mumbled as she took out a small envelope. " I might not be the fastest delivery but I keep my promises," she said as she handed it to Bruce. " Read it when you're alone," she said.

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