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  When Skylar woke up next, it was around mid-day. Somehow, she managed to believe in the decency of Bruce Wayne and thought he wouldn't rattle her out to Roy, so she had a peaceful sleep, regaining her strength.

Although, ever since the ride back from last night, one important question lingered in her mind.

Should she accept the money?

On the bright side, she'd be free of Roy Hawkins and all the terrible things she did and had done to her, which was the best thing she could ask for at that moment in her life.

Of course, the memories would haunt her forever, but at least new ones wouldn't be made.

On the other hand, Roy would surely suspect where the money suddenly came from and she didn't want it having any negative consequences on her parents or anyone else.

After all, he'd already threatened her family, and she didn't doubt that he'd be able to follow through.

To clear her mind and think it through thoroughly, Skylar decided to walk to her favourite coffee shop a few blocks away to have some coffee and breakfast. She swiftly changed out of her pyjamas to comfortable casual wear and left the apartment.

The sky was now clear and there was no cloud in sight. That was good; rainy weather usually made her want to burrow into her bed and never leave.

After getting a sandwich and having breakfast she took out the book she always carried in her purse and started reading it. Skylar had always loved her alone time, where she got to be productive alone with her thoughts.

And that's why it was a bummer when a man dressed in black approached her.

"Excuse me, Miss Jones?" he asked.

Skylar looked up to the man. Her initial thought was that it was one of Roy's men, but no, he'd send a text if he wanted her to come.

Besides, this guy was too polite to be one of them. Roy's grunts wouldn't care about her comfort, they were gruff and shady—they did their jobs and nothing more.

"Yes?" she asked, unsure of herself. The guy's face was unfamiliar and the black sunglasses he had on didn't help at all. He reminded her of those secret agents she'd see on the television.

"My boss is sorry he's interrupting, but he'd like to see you," he informed her.

Yes, definitely not Roy's men.

Skylar furrowed her brows. If it wasn't Roy, then who?

"Your boss?" she questioned.

The man sighed and gestured outside with his head slightly. Skylar looked outside and spotted an expensive-looking black car. Just as she did the backseat window rolled down slightly to reveal Bruce Wayne.

"Oh my god," she whispered to herself in disbelief, turning back to the man. "Why does your boss want to see me exactly?"

The man shrugged. "I don't know, miss, but I was ordered to take you to the car, so please, allow me."

Skylar sighed loudly as she started gathering her belongings and dunking them into her bag. She just couldn't catch a break and this surprise encounter made a lot of questions flounder in her mind.

Within the next minute, she was already sitting inside the car, face to face with Bruce Wayne.

"Mr. Wayne," she greeted him.

"Miss Jones," he started, "Firstly, I'd like to apologize for that back in there, I didn't want to create a scene by coming in and drawing attention to you," he explained.

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