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Skylar woke up. Her head was pounding. She tried to move but her hands were tied. She looked up and saw that her hands were tied down from the ceiling. It was a dim room, a bit cold. She turned her head, trying to look around, to maybe find a way to get out of there.

" Miss Jones, so wonderful of you to join us," A familiar voice said. She knew that voice, dreaded it even. Then, she spotted the male figure coming toward her from the corner of the room. It was Roy, Roy fucking Hawkins.

" You should be in jail," she spat. Roy chuckled. " I was, and now I'm out," he said, getting closer to her. He smiled sinisterly. " It seems you haven't learned any respect," he pouted, grabbing her chin, making her look at him.

He didn't look different, except for the evil look on his face. " I guess I'll just have to teach it to you," he mumbled, his hands traveling down from Skylar's body. It was then she realized the dress she had on was no longer there, she was tied up in her underwear. " Properly," he whispered, touching her.

" Get your filthy hands off of me, you pig!" she exclaimed, trying to move to get away from him. Instead, she felt the back of his other hand slap her on her cheek. " Rule one, speak with respect," he said.

Skylar smirked. " To you? Never," she said, spitting on his face. Roy sighed. then wiped his face. " That was strike two," he said calmly then slapped her as hard as he can, again. Her face was aching, she could even feel a little bleeding.

" Huh," Roy huffed, " It seems the traditional way isn't enough to teach you, I'll just have to improvise," he smirked, walking away from her, to a counter on the side of the wall, and grabbing something. " Guess this'll have to do," he said, turning on the taser.

Skylar didn't know how long it had been, but she was exhausted. Roy had been torturing and slapping her for some time now. She wanted to close her eyes, to at least take a breather, but he wasn't allowing her. All she could do was now to pray that Bruce could find her, and fast.

" Why?" she breathed out. " Hmm?" Roy asked, taking a step back and looking at her. " I paid you your money, you went to jail, why are you still after me?" Skylar managed to say, then looked at his eyes. " Why?"

Roy smirked. " Oh, Miss Jones, so coy and naive," he chuckled. He then caressed her cheek. " Did you really think I kept my eye on for you for money?" he asked. Skylar furrowed her brows, " Then why?"

" Oh, Skylar," Roy taunted, " Do you think someone like you could mess up one of our operations for real? Cost us money? Why don't you really try to remember what really happened?" he asked.

She sighed, the memories filling her in. It was the end of the finals of her second year, and her friends had convinced her to go to this party. They drank way too much and then decided to play truth or dare. One of the guys dared her to trespass to this rich guy's house, she got caught, the police had arrived, chasing her.

While she and her friends were running from the police, the same guy who dared her also told everyone to run, Skylar had accidentally led the police to where Roy was making a deal with some criminals. Roy had seen her face and then he went after her the next day, telling her she owed them money.

" I was drunk, I led the police to you and I got caught," she answered. Roy laughed. " Then how was I able to find you the very next day, if the police had caught me? Did you ever think about that?"

She shook her head. As he spoke, her memories started to fade away, as if they were dreams and didn't really happen. She gasped. " Why can't I remember? What did you do to me?" she yelled in fear.

" Because it was something we planted in your memory, to keep you close. You see, I couldn't let you get away. With your importance, and that face of yours," Roy said, grabbing her face and petting it, " So I decided to make a false play in order to keep you close until your time came,"

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