Let's meet the parents...

72 3 2

December 11th, 2014

"Hey Dad, it's Ellie-"

'Hey sweet pea, how are you?'

"I-I'm good thanks, Dad, how're you?"

'I'm great thanks, spud. Something's wrong or you want something, otherwise, you wouldn't call, so out with it. What's up?'

" ... "

'You still there, sweet pea?'

"Erm, yeah, I'm still here. Dad, I'm coming down with Hannah to stay for the day this Saturday, because I want to see you all."

'We'll be at Tupton because Jude's at a family do.'

"Oh... okay. Well, that's perfect because there are some people that I and Hannah want you to meet and they're not in the country for long, so we were planning on coming up on Saturday, is that okay?"

'Well... yes, it's okay, but if they're staying in my house, I want to know who these people are...'

"Dad, you don't need to worry about that, we won't be staying the night, just the afternoon so you can say 'hey' and get to know them."

'Why does it matter to you so badly if I meet these friends of yours?'

 "Erm... Dad, do you remember when I told you that I and Hannah were both in long-distance relationships and we don't see them often because they travel a lot for work? Well, they're in England and we've been together for a while now, so they want to meet you while they have a chance to, is it okay if we bring them both?"

'Do I have much of a choice? I guess if it means that much to you...'

"Okay, thanks, Dad, I'll let them know, just... be gentle, okay? I know what you're like and this is Hannah's first serious relationship-"

'How long have they been together exactly?'

"Since her birthday, so... about ten months? Anyway, I've got to go Papa, so I will text you later with details."

'Okay, sweet pea. I'll call you tomorrow to see how you are and I'll see you Saturday. Bye, love you.'

"Bye, Dad. Love you too."


We all sat in my little Lexus convertible, shitting bricks. I wasn't feeling too bad, a little nervous but that's understandable. I wasn't as nervous as Luke, he was twitching and had sweated about two buckets already and he hadn't even met Dad yet! I wasn't worried about Luke though because he had a helpful thing called 'his girlfriend' to help him.

I was, to be honest, more concerned with Mikey. He'd been quiet the whole drive over, had clammy hands and, the most worrying of all, he hadn't touched one slice of the takeaway pepperoni pizza I'd bought him for lunch.

"Luke." Hannah grabbed his attention by gently taking his hands in hers. "You've got nothing to worry about. Just act like yourself, and if he sees only a quarter of what I see, he'll love you."

Luke beamed down at his perfect girlfriend and pecked her lovingly on the lips. Mikey looked over at me, a pleading look clouding those beautiful emeralds, which made me realize just how many nerves he was hiding under the surface and he wanted some support.

But I'm no good at giving pep talks! I'll probably make him feel worse! 

I climbed out of the car, a signal for the others to follow but flicked my wrist at Hannah, silently begging for a bit of alone time. She thankfully understood and towed Luke to the side of Dad's flat, away from the prying eyes of the Liverpudlian paedos that live underneath him. As soon as Luannah were out of earshot, Michael let out a shaky breath and a nervous chuckle. He wouldn't look me in the eye, bless him.

... and it all started with a tattoo (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon