"Giddy up, BITCH!"

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I know this is early but I couldn't be bothered to wait 'til tomorrow, so here it is! Hope you like it! :)


"You called?"

The first one to reach me is Ash, who ran over and gave me a bear hug that lifted me off the floor, causing me to let out a high-pitched squeal. He spins me around and shouts in my ear, "It's great to finally meet you!" When my head had stopped spinning and he had pulled away, I whisper-asked, "How's your hamster?" He whispers, "He's not stopped running around on his wheel. And I think he's going to do some climbing later, and bite his strawberry a LOT!"


Ash and I had decided to make a code that would describe Calum's mood for that day. That means 'He's not stopped going on and on about today, and you in particular. He's going to try and get off with you and will bite our heads off if we try and save you'

BOLLOCKS! Motherfuckerbollocksshitwankertwattingarsehole! You're soooooooo screwed! You're about to be fondled by a horny Australian bitch! Hang on, when did that become a bad thing?

The boys started to get to know the girls as quickly as possible. Luke asked Hannah what her name was, to which she replied, "Trouble." This got smiles from everyone. I knew that on the inside, Hannah's stomach was turning, because Luke is her favourite, and I know that the way he was smiling at her was making her internally melt.

When they were finished hugging HEAL, they all came to hug me. Ash made way for Calum, who gave me a tight hug and tried to touch my ass in the process. Luke became my knight in shining armour and saved me by tapping Calum on the shoulder saying, "Calm down! We all want some." Luke hugs me gingerly, being his awkward self, but loosens up when I whisper, "Thank you!" in his ear. He lets go, allowing Michael to get in a quick bear hug that almost cracks my ribs.

Suddenly, there's a blur of movement, and Calum's jumped onto Ash's back and screamed, "Giddy up, BITCH!" That started the piggyback races. Ash looked at Luke and said, grinning from ear to ear, "Race Ya!" Ash took off with Calum on his back, leaving us in the living room, laughing.

Luke picks up Hannah before she can protest, reassuring her all the way, before sprinting down the hallway. Lauren found this highly amusing, yelling at them, "Yeah, you go, girl! Ride him like a pony!" That last bit was so full of innuendo, I saw Luke's legs become disabled.

I looked at the remaining girls and asked, "Fancy a go?", then squatted like a pro-athlete, expecting a light 15/16-year-old girl to jump on my back. What I got was an extremely heavy, 6 feet tall Australian smacking my ass and yelling, "COME ON THEN!" I took one step and fell over with the excess weight, landing right on top of Michael, driving an elbow right into his ribs.

When the others got back from the first race, they found Michael doubled over, clutching his gut like someone had stabbed him, Annalea, Lauren, and Ellie tried to tell Hannah what had happened between fits of giggles, and I'm bent over Michael repeating, "I'm so sorry!" and, "Is there anything I can do?"

"What did you do?!"

I hesitate, before looking over at the gathered crowd. "I think I've broken him..." Calum walked over and prodded Michael in the leg with his foot. When there wasn't a response, he jumped on top of him, singing. If you listened hard, you would hear Michael groaning and then complaining, but you could only just hear him over Calum singing at the top of his voice, "I really want to have sex, with Michael Clifford but he won't LET ME!"

"Alright, Cal, get off him." said Luke, obviously trying to be the adult, "He doesn't want to be raped while we have company."

"It's not raping if you enjoy it!" Hannah and Lauren say at the same time, which makes them burst into hysterical giggles. "OH, MY GOD! We're so in sync!" The boys all stop to stare at the hysterics and start laughing themselves, quietly at first, but eventually, Ash was rolling around on the floor and even Luke was almost crying. Once everyone had calmed down a little, I throw a pillow at Ash and challenge him, Calum and Luke to a rematch.

... and it all started with a tattoo (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now