Meanwhile, at 5SOS' apartment...

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We woke up with a start, due to the bus horn being honked. "Get up, you lazy gits! We're back at your apartment and it's one in the morning. Try to smile, please."

"Can't I just sleep on the bus?" Quite a few people agreed with me because they didn't want to get up either. "Nope, sorry, no can do! We've got to get this bus prepped for when the boys leave for Sheffield later." Groans were the only sound being made.

The first sentence of the day?

"OMG, Ash I'm so sorry!" Ellie when she woke up, stretched and twatted Ash in the face. "It's fine Ellie, you've just broken his nose, no big deal..."

"Shut up, Cal!" Hannah almost fell out of bed and grabbed Luke around his neck to stop herself from falling. This made Luke chuckle and he fought against the covers to pull Hannah back up next to him. We then heard a scream from Annalea, as Lauren gave her a slobbery, good morning kiss. Michael looks at me and asks "Do you want me to pass you your trousers?"

"No, I want you to hold me. I want to stay here with you, like this, until we HAVE to go." Michael pulled me towards him with a smile and we tightly held each other, not wanting to let go. We were content in our little bubble, but Hannah had to pop it. While we were lying there, Hannah stood just outside the bunk bed, staring at us. When she saw I'd seen her, she smirks and says, "I ship it."

"HANNAH!" She ran back to the doorway to the mirror room, but the damage had been done. Michael pushed himself away from me and fell out of bed in the process. Thankfully Hannah had shut the mirror room door, so nobody saw Michael fall out of bed wearing only his boxers but it was too late, the bubble had burst.

From the other side of the door, we heard cries of, "Are you two alright?" 

"Hannah, can you move away from the door please?" 

"Did you two sleep together-!?" 


"Well, sorry if I do!" While the boys argued and HEAL tried to calm them down, Michael hurried about like a headless chicken, pulling on trousers and a shirt in record time. 

It was only when he was done that he noticed me getting dressed at all. I was pretty peeved off with him, because I'm psychic, so I could see what was going to happen next. People were still arguing in the mirror room, so Michael quickly gave me a tight hug and looked at me pleadingly. "Can this stay between us?"

This boy confusing you yet? Coz he sure is me!

"I don't see why, but if it'll make you happy, then fine" This got me a beaming smile and a hesitant kiss on my nose. Before he strutted over to the mirror door and knocked on it, I caught a sad look in his eyes. He knew he'd hurt me but, to hide his guilt, made a joke out of the fact they were arguing over something that was nothing.

"Come on, we're tired and we're cranky. Let's go into the apartment and get settled down as soon as possible" Ash, as we walked out, wrapped an arm around me and once we were in the apartment, took me to one side. He pulled me into his bedroom, and once he'd sat down, he gestured to the bed beside him. If this was Calum, I'd have stayed stood up, but I trusted Ash with my life by that point. "Tell me everything"

"Ash, what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Tell me everything" So I did. I told him about everything from Michael's reaction to finding me in that reception area to what he asked me earlier on the bus. "I'm confused, Ash. I don't know what to do. I know I like him, but you're pop-rock stars, you're gonna be touring all the time. Is that pact even real?"

... and it all started with a tattoo (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora