continued {Part 7}

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Hi everyone!
seems most of you have hung on for the ride heh
sorry I got busy again. I have this art class and I have to work my ass off. plus christmas came around and soon it will be 2015 crazy right?
anyway Happy holidays and have a happy new year ^w^. also I need new ideas since I fprgot what I was going to do with this. I dont usually finish stories honestly this is the farthest ive gotten writing a fan fiction in a long time heh. im a noob thank you. but heres a new part. clap for me and my procrastination that is at rest for now!


{Yoshiki's Pov}


No, im not a pervert thanks for that bit of enthusiasm. The other things being like what now. I got what I wanted. WHO I wanted, what more? good grades would be nice. but who needs good grades ive gotten all that ive liked right? my thoughts were cut off by a loud bell. or had one already rung maybe class had already started because ayumi was gone. so was the sky. it was black. weird I look back down, wait. I remember this! my eyes widened and my heart seemed to race fast. I got up quickly this wasnt my school. it was the school before. but how!? the charm it wasnt even done. so how was- dammit!  I ran off. looking for exits no exits. just like last time I should of known. more importantly where was ayumi? she was there last time maybe if I found her. I could get out of here again. she just needed to be safe, if she was safe I would be at ease. as I ran down the dark hallway avoiding the holes and rottened wood around me. I ran into something. Someone. I slowly looked up to a man into the red dead eyes of his. it was... the same man from- that wasnt the point a axe was comming straight to my head. before it could hit me. My eyes opened to bright lights. I could feel my heart racing, i could hear my heavy breath and see the worried eyes of ayumi looking into my own. it... it was a dream! thank god it was a dream. I must of dozed off. I hugged her quickly. thank fucking god it was a dream.


{Ayumi's Pov}


Yoshiki decided to doze off and before I knew it he was mumbling and his breath was starting to become heavy. at first It seemed alright like a normal bad dream and I just messed with his hair a bit thinking it would calm him down, something. but after awhile he started to move and yell. so I tried waking him up. sure enough he did. Next thing I knew I was in his arms "E-eh are you alright?" I had asked. he just nodded and mumbled thinks I couldnt understand into my shoulder. I just rubbed his back slowly untill he seemed calm. "did you have a nightmare?" I couldnt hold back not asking. He had nodded. I still wanted to ask more but I figured it was alright not to for now. maybe later.

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