Continued {Part 6}

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{I was going to update on Halloween but then I was like we will just have another update now ♡ Happy Birthday}


{Ayumi's Pov}

Did he just?

he did, I put my fingers to my lips. His lips still seemed to linger, I could taste the faint taste of pepermint. I just stared at the Blonde as he stared at me, seeming to want sort of better reaction, or at least a reply. Was I supposed to say I loved him? I didnt!.... or Did I?

My heart was pounding

My face was hot and probobly a beaming red.

I probobly looked like an idiot with my fingers to my lips

But he didnt seemed bothered by it.

he was rather handsome, especially with the light hitting his face like thay

I felt my face get deeper to the thought.

I did love him

A lot....

Thats when I grabbed his shirt collar pulled him close and crashed my lips onto his. I really couldn't believe what I just did. B-but I had to admit I did like it.

{Yoshiki's Pov}

Wait- What?

She just did-

yes she did. but I wasnt complaining infact I was kissing right back. I was rather happy. Very happy. This ment she was mine right?

her lips seemed to leave mine. it was sad but happy I got what I wanted. I heard a whine then looked to her to see she had covered her face.

"Are you okay?" I had to ask


"Okay just making sure"

"Uhm... D-dose this make us?"

"Yeah... unless all you wanted was a kiss..."

"Im not like that!"

"Then..." I seemed to trail off. She huffed

"Yes...."She said. I smiled, I loved twisting things around and making her answer her own questions.

I kissed her on the cheek and wraped my arm around her. I noticed her blush get deeper.

how cute.

My mind began wondering off to other things

Ayumi X YoshikiWhere stories live. Discover now