Continued {Part 2}

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{Well this is the second part and once again sorry if I have mistakes IM TRYING HARD IM ONLY 13 and Im trying to get better at writing... Yeah... but I was happy because someone said they wanted more and then this other person went crazy and I cry ;-; thank ye ^-^ but yeah here 0-0}


{Ayumi's Pov}

    All that was able to be heard were the loud clacks of my footsteps slaming against the ground, I had might have just pushed to far. Well, I didnt mean to of course. I dont even know what im saying, I dont know how to explain it either, He stoll my first kiss. You probably thinking I may be over reacting, maybe a bit to much, but think, if someone just instantly stole your first kiss like that would you be happy? Well I wouldn't and im not, infact im infuriated. I ran outside and growled I was missing class, this wasnt going to help my reputation of Class President. I sighed calming down a bit and whipping my lips I leaned against the wall to recap, his kiss still seemed to linger, I hated it. then again my heart was pounding like crazy, could i possibly like him?

"NO! I CANT! I WONT!" i thought to myself frowning

the door swung open and next thing I saw was Yoshiki stumbling out, he almost fell but didnt. I stared at him and after he regain his balance he looked around he spotted me and his gaze met mine, as soon as it did I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed, I wasnt pleased by his presence or what he had done earlier

"Why do you seem so annoyed?" he asked acting like what he had just dont was nothing, that made me mad, so mad I lifted myself from the wall and walked over I grabed his shirt collar and pulled him down to my height.

"You wonder why im annoyed, and I wonder why the heck did you steal my first kiss you idiot!" she says leting go and pushing him back up and a fee steps back

"I hate you!" I said knowing I would regret it later, I remembered when I had said this before,  it set a wrong feeling in my stomach, I didnt like it at all, I didnt bother to look at the face he gave me.


{Yoshiki's Pov}

     'I hate you' were the words that slipped out of her mouth, they stung like knifes stabing into me. She just had to be mad, she didnt mean it right? but it seemed she did mean it. She didnt look at me or even bother to say anymore, I was speechless I didnt know what to say or how to reach, all I could do was let out a sigh and stuff my hands into the pockets of my pants. I opened my mouth to say somthing but nothing came out, I decided that was a sign not to bother her any further and leave her be, hopefully if she did hate me she would get over it and not hate me sooner or later, I cares for her a lot and hearing that really did hurt, if felt like it ment I couldnt help her anymore. I turned around and walked back inside the school. I didnt know where I was going I just knew I wasnt going back out there or back into the class room. Maybe I would visit the roof for once in a long time.


{Ayumi's pov}

    I sighed as he finally walked away a felt a bit of relife but also felt the worst pain in my chest. I went to my knees and hugged them maybe I made a mistake getting as mad as I did and said what I said. I looked up this day was not ending well.


{Next day an hour before school: Still Ayumi's pov}

   I woke up to the sound of my alarm, but I didnt get up as quickly as always. I laied there thinking, wow did I really just say all that yesterday. God I felt horrible now. But I still felt kind of mad since he had stolen my first kiss. I soon sat up I was going to force myself to apologize. Even if I really didnt want to, plus I hadnt thanked him for helping me all those times back in Heavenly Host Elementary school. I decided that would be a good time to thank him and apologize. I finally got up and got ready for school like any other day


                               To be Continued...


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