Dorm Room 210: Steady By the Storm

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  • Dedicated to My Super Awesome Fans/Readers/Adders/Voters!

Author note: This chapter has been revised and edited. Updated 10th June 2017

Chapter 8:

Steady By the Storm

Waking up to a new day can either be thrilling or tiring. It depends what frame of mind you carry. Sometimes you have to because life doesn't wait for no one. Sometimes you don't, because you don't want life to wait for you.

Melbourne weather is moody as a girl living that one week of pure roller-coaster experience. There's no guarantee the weather girl knows what she's saying half the time, considering not all sections of Melbourne will be warm and sunny.  I still wear shorts and tees and flip-flops, but I carry a small cardigan around, just to be sure.

Noah sleeps soundly in his bed; his back to me as I move about the dorm getting ready. I don't wake Noah; it's too early to wake up on a Friday. The sky isn't awake yet.

I'm walking to Tracy's office located in the reception building, going through a conversation that is clearly made up, but worth thinking about. Tracy came to me after dinner wanting to speak to me. I'm about to find out what about.

When I meet Tracy in her office the next morning, she's waiting by her window with a puppy mug in her palm. The pink tips in her hair is the focus of the colourless room. I smile when she sees me. "Good morning, Lillian. Take a seat. How are you?"

"I'm doing well," I say. She offers me a cookie from the table before us, and I take one graciously.

"Good, that's good. I hope you slept well. You'll be tired by the end of the night."

I pause with the cookie in my mouth. "What do you mean?"

Tracey waves it off. "I know what parties are like on campus. It wasn't too long ago that I was a student here." She sits in her grey chair and pinches a cookie for herself.

"I would like to talk to you about your sleeping arrangements," she says. "How's that going? Are you having any trouble with Noah at all?"

"No." I fidget in my seat. Tracy waits, expectantly. "It's usually quiet."

Tracy, thankfully, doesn't ask anymore questions. She dusts off the crumbs on her hands and folds them in her lap. "You asked me to inform you for any room changes, and there has been. One of the girls dropped out, and her roommate is looking for someone to share the room with."

I nod. "Sounds good to me. When do I start moving?"

Tracy levels her eyes with me. "I am not asking you to give me an answer now. I would like it if you think about it. You can come back to me once you decide."

"What's wrong with making the change now?" I ask. "Wouldn't it be better I moved as soon as possible?"

Tracy shifts in her seat and her fingers tap against each other. I frown, wondering if she's thinking of convincing me to stay where I am. She sighs in the end. Her expression lifts, just barely, that only a trace of her smile flutters at the corner of her mouth.

"I'll give you until the end of the semester to decide," she says, and stands from her chair.

"That's two months away." I follow her to the door. "Anything can happen."

"I need the final judgement call on semester break. The arrangements will be final with Mr Sky and staff members." Tracy pats my shoulder. "Have a pleasant night Ms Camel. Do think before giving me an answer."

Stacy is with me and my therapist today, silent beside me while holding my hand. I let her, knowing how uncomfortable she feels by just being in the room. Mahla Singh, my therapist, doesn't hold back with today's questions. Nothing out of the ordinary, until she asks how I'm copping with my roommate.

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