Chapter 1. Background

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I looked at the time, 10 am.Long Beach, California. I kept reading the plane ticket my dad had sent me. I looked around my room and thought what to bring. I live in New York, City with my mom. Not exactly under the same roof, I am 19 years old so I own on my own apartment. 2 streets away from my mom's Mansion. My parents got divorsed when I was 10. Since then, every summer I would visit my dad in Long Beach, Cali. I stoped when I was 15 because my mom wouldn't allow me anymore. Both of my parents shit money, or that's what people say. 

I have a boyfriend now, William. I met him on a club. My mom hated him at first because I met him at a club, but then she found out his parents are also rich so his mom is my mom's bestfriend now. William and I have been dating for 3 years now. He broke my heart once or twice by cheating on me. Mom made me give him another chance, so I did. He went off to London this year so I haven't seen him since about 2 months. He doesn't call me every day like he used too, just twice a week. 

I finally packed all my summer clothes and shoes, which took forever to find. All my phone case collections are in tiny bags. And all makeup packed too. 

Mom texted me:

''Sweety bring me the Convertible at 5''

I called a Taxi and went off to the airport.

I know that leaving without telling her is a little bit evil but I am 19 now and I think I can do whatever the hell I want. That is one of the main reasons why I bought my own apartment, because she always controls my life and get her blonde head where she isn't supposed too.

The plane tickets says my plane leaves at 12 so I still have about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get comfortable. 

My plane finally leaves.


I take my phone out and call my dad

''Hello? Sweety?''

''Hey, umm can you pick me up?''

''I knew you would come''

My dad hugs me so tight, I haven't seen him in like forever. His green eyes sparkle, just like mines. 

We arrive to this beach house.

''I cleaned your room yesterday, because I had this one feeling you would come Blondie''

Blondie is my nickname everybody I know calls me like that except my mom, she thinks is cheap and dirty.

''There is a beach party tonight, you can borrow Molly if you want to go and get comfortable with the people around''

Yup, he calls his car Molly, because he still loves mom.

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