Chapter 7

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All for One stared at the two teens standing in front of him. He was pissed that his own apprentice had betrayed him.

"You can't defeat me Tomura.. I taught you everything you know.." All for One said with a serious look on his face.

"Not everything.." Tomura said as he flew towards All for One.

Tomura tried to punch AFO in the face, but before he could, AFO grabbed him by the arm, and threw him, sending him flying through the air, crashing into a brick wall.

Deku watched as Tomura was flung through the air like he weighed nothing. His eyes grew wide. He then looked back at AFO and started to charge up his quirk.

"ONE FOR ALL... 100%!" Deku yelled as he flew towards AFO.

Deku tried to punch him, but AFO blocked it. Just then, Deku decided to counter attack by sending all of his power to his legs. He then spun around and kicked AFO in the stomach, making him fly backwards into a building.

AFO got up moments later and shook it off like it was nothing. He charged up a beam of dark energy, sending it flying towards Deku.

Deku managed to dodge it, but was instantly knocked back afterwards by AFO flying towards him, and punching him in the face.

Deku was on the ground, bleeding. Cuts and bruises covered his entire body, and he could hardly move because of the pain.

Moments later, Deku tried to get up, only to be pushed back down again by AFO.

Just as AFO was about to kill Deku, Tomura flew towards AFO, only to be immediately knocked back by a punch to the face.

In the split second that AFO turned his head, Deku took advantage and was able to free one of his arms.

He charged up his quirk and fired off a blast of compressed air, knocking AFO back, slightly.

Deku got back up and ran over to help Tomura. He grabbed his hand and helped him back up on his feet. They both turned to face AFO.

"Is it just me... or is he getting stronger?" Deku asked, sweating nervously.

"Oh he's definitely getting stronger.." Tomura said.

"Great... that's just fantastic!" Deku said sarcastically.

"You backstabbing piece of shit.. I'll make sure you regret ever betraying me!" AFO said, as an angry tone filled his voice.

"We'll see about that.." Tomura said, with a grin.

Deku and Tomura flew towards AFO, but both of them were knocked back instantly.

"He's getting stronger by the second.. at this rate, we won't be able to beat him.." Deku said with a stern look on his face.

"You're right... we need to think of something.. and fast!" Tomura said as AFO started to power up another beam of dark energy.

He sent it flying at the two teens, knocking both of them back into a wall.

"This is it... this is how it ends.." Deku said to himself, ready to accept defeat, when all of a sudden, he got an idea.

"Tomura... I have an idea.. it's gonna sound crazy, believe me.. but I think it's the only way we'll be able to win." Deku said, with a serious look on his face.

Tomura stopped and thought about it for a second. Once he realized what Deku was talking about, his eyes went wide.

"You can't... if you do that.. you'll lose One for All forever!!" Tomura said.

MHA: Shigaraki's RedemptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon