Chapter 4

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Deku walked into the school and headed towards All Might's office. While on his way there, he ran into his teacher, Mr. Aizawa.

"Midoriya, why are you here at this hour? Classes ended hours ago.." Aizawa asked, confused as to why Deku is there.

"Oh.. uhhhh... I need to speak to All Might about something. Is he available?" Deku asked, sweating nervously.

He knew he shouldn't be afraid of his teacher, but he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by him, considering his appearance.

"He should be available. I'll let him know you are on your way. Have a good day, Midoriya..." Aizawa said, as he walked off down the hallway towards the school office.

Deku walked further down the hallway, until he stopped outside All Might's door. He took a deep breath, exhaled and knocked on the door.

"Hold on a second!" All Might said on the other side of the door.

Deku waited patiently, until All Might finally opened the door to greet him.

"Ah, Young Midoriya... come in.. Aizawa said you wanted to see me.." All Might said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about something..." Deku said, as he walked inside the room and sat down.

All Might closed the door behind him and walked back over to his desk, sitting down in his chair.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" All Might asked, with a confused expression on his face.

"Ummm.. I may have had a little chat with Tomura Shigaraki earlier. He kinda just showed up to the dorms...." Deku said.

All Might froze as he heard the name come out of Deku's mouth.

"Tomura.... Shigaraki... what did he want?" All Might asked, sweat starting to roll down the side of his face.

"I think he may know about One for All.... he's been paying close attention to my class specifically, and he's realized that me and you are really close. He wanted me to tell him everything that I knew about you so he could use it against you, but I didn't tell him anything, I swear!" Deku exclaimed, almost running out of breath by the time he finished speaking.

"And how long ago was this?" All Might asked, with a concerned look on his face.

"He left about an hour ago... he climbed out through the window and headed through the woods that surround the school." Deku said.

"Well, it's no use going to look for him.. he's probably back at his hideout by now." All Might exclaimed, leaning back in his chair.

"Is that all?" All Might asked.

"No... I need to know... did you kill anyone during your time as a hero?" Deku asks, his face filled with worry.

All Might stared at him for a second before responding.

"No.. I don't hurt innocent people, and the most I'd do to a villain is knock them out. Why? What would make you ask me that?" All Might asked, confused.

"Tomura... told me that you... killed his grandmother.. when he was only 4 years old..." Deku said, while staring at the ground.

All Might sat in disbelief... he figured All for One would say something like that to manipulate someone into doing his biding..

"So... did you? Did you kill Tomura Shigaraki's grandmother?" Deku asked, staring at All Might, with tears in his eyes.

"No... I would never kill anyone... let alone my master..." All Might said.

"Your... master? Wait.. Tomura Shigaraki's grandmother.. was your master?" Deku asked in disbelief.

"Yea... she died many years ago, at the hands of All for One. I wasn't strong enough back then to fight him... so she stepped in and told me to run as far away from there as I could. I didn't wanna leave her but I had no choice. I didn't get very far before I heard a scream, and I knew deep down, that she was gone.." All Might exclaimed, with tears starting to fill his hollow eyes.

"How long have you known that Tomura is your master's grandson?" Deku asked.

"Since the last time I fought All for One, a few days ago. He dropped the bombshell on me during the fight, knowing that it would destroy me mentally. He also said that Tomura has been training his whole life for the opportunity to get revenge, which means that All for One lied to Tomura about his grandmother's death.." All Might said.

"So... all these years... Tomura thought that you killed her... when really.. it was All for One?" Deku asked as a shocked expression formed on his face.

All Might nodded before looking down at his desk. His eyes filled with more tears.

"Anyways... is that all?" All Might asked, his voice filled with sadness.

"Yeah.." Deku said, as he stood up from his chair and started to stretch his legs.

As Deku started to walk towards the door to leave, he stopped when All Might said something to him.

"I need you.. to do me a favour.. young midoriya.. promise me.. that you will tell him the truth. As you know, I am now retired, due to my fight with All for One, so I can't tell him myself. If I tried to, he would kill me... that's why it has to be you. Only you can tell him the truth.. promise me.. ok midoriya?" All Might asked, his voice quivering in the process.

"You can count on me, All Might! I'll tell him the truth! I won't let you down!" Deku exclaims, his face filled with determination.

"Thank you.. young midoriya.." All Might said, as he saw Deku nod and walk out of the room, closing the door behind him.

As Deku left the school, he stared out into the woods where he saw Shigaraki run off earlier.

"I now know the truth, Shigaraki.. I knew All Might was innocent.. now I just have to make you see it too.." Deku said to himself, as he ran back to the dorms.

He walked inside and was greeted by Uraraka and Todoroki.

"Deku, where have you been?!?!" Uraraka asked, her voice filled with worry.

"I had to go back to the school and do something... it's no big deal." Deku said, smiling at the both of them.

"In the middle of the night? Couldn't you have done it tomorrow?" Todoroki asked, raising an eyebrow at Deku.

"I-I wanted to do it today, so I wouldn't forget about it later on." Deku said, while wondering if Todoroki somehow knew he was lying.

"Ok then... I'm going to bed. Talk to you guys in the morning.." Todoroki said as he walked off towards his room.

"I'm glad you're ok Deku.. I'm gonna go to bed as well.. bye!" Uraraka said cheerfully, as she ran back to her room.

"Goodnight guys!" Deku said as he walked back to his room as well.

Deku walked into his room and turned on the lights. He got undressed and threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. He then grabbed a pair of pyjamas, and put them on. Afterwards, he turned off his light and climbed into bed.

As he pulled the covers over his body, he thought back to what happened earlier that day.

"We will meet again soon, Tomura..." Deku said to himself as he turned over and drifted off to sleep...

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