Chapter 1

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Editors Note: I do not own My Hero Academia. All rights go to their respective owners. Enjoy!

"Master, come with me!!" Shigaraki shouts at his master, All for One

"It's okay, Tomura... You need to go. You aren't strong enough yet. You need to finish your training. Then, and only then, you will be ready." All for One states as he starts to send Shigaraki through the shadowy portal that opened up moments ago.

"But Master, your body is to..." Shigaraki tried to convince his master to leave with him but it was no use. He was cut off.

Before he knew it, he was sent through the portal, only to end up at one of the league's hideouts. Everyone else was already there waiting for him. Dabi.. Toga.. Kurogiri.. Twice.. and a few others were there as well..

"Tomura... where is he?" Kurogiri asked concerned, as he saw Shigaraki staring at the floor.

"Turn.. on.. the.. tv.." Shigaraki said, his voice a mumble, almost like he was trying to hide his emotion.

Everyone looked at him trying to figure out what he said.

"Uhh, you're gonna have to speak up Mr Shigaraki.. we can't hear you.." Toga replied.

Just then, Shigaraki slowly rose his head, and everyone froze. His face was red and it looked like he was crying, even though he was trying really hard to not let anyone see his emotions.

"I... said... TURN ON THE DAMN TV!!" Shigaraki shouted, his face going from sad to pissed, instantly.

To avoid anymore of shigaraki's wrath, Kurogiri quickly turned on the TV.

Everyone stared at the screen as the fight between All Might and All for One continued. Just as it looked like All for One was gonna win, All Might surprises everyone and knocks out All for One.

As All Might raises his fist in the air, claiming himself as victorious, everyone stared in disbelief. Shigaraki's eyes went wide, as he saw his masters unconscious body on the screen. He fell to his knees and started to cry. Everyone else in the room just stood there in silence as Shigaraki continued to cry.

Moments later, Shigaraki stands up, eyes filled with rage.

"First, you kill my grandmother, and then you almost killed my master, not once, but twice!!" Shigaraki said to himself.

He walks towards the door to leave the hideout.

"Tomura, I don't think that's such a.." Kurogiri tried to say, but he was cut off by Shigaraki.

"Shut it.." He said, as he gave Kurogiri a death stare, before turning back and heading out the door, shutting it behind him, and leaving the rest of the league speechless.

~Time Skip to A Few Days Later~

Shigaraki is walking down a dark alley, his hood pulled up over his head. He was mumbling to himself, when a couple police officers noticed him.

"Um, excuse me sir? You can't be out here at the moment. Don't you know that a big fight just went down a few days ago? There are still villains on the loose. You could get hurt. Please turn around and go home." The officers said to him.

Shigaraki rose his head, showing the officers a devilish smile. They instantly recognized him and tried to draw their guns, but before they could, Shigaraki grabbed one of them by the throat, and pushed the other, making him stumble backwards. Activating his quirk, he placed all his fingers around the officer's neck, instantly turning him to dust. The other officer stared at Shigaraki in horror, to scared to do anything. Shigaraki turns his head towards the other officer. Just as the officer got up off the ground and tried to draw his gun, Shigaraki spun around and kicked him, sending him flying into a brick wall. The officer's head started to spin, as he saw Shigaraki walk up to him and put his hand on his face. The officer let out a scream, before being turned to dust within seconds.

Shigaraki backed up from the dust that had gathered on the ground and took a moment to admire his work. He then brushed his hands off in his hoodie, before walking away from the crime scene.

"I will kill you All Might. Even if it takes every ounce of my strength, I will make sure that I crush every bone in your body for what you have done to me. I swear.. you will pay.." Shigaraki said to himself.

Just then, he heard the sound of police sirens coming his way. He wasn't sure if they were for him or someone else, but he wasn't gonna stick around and find out. He quickly ducked into another alleyway, throwing the police off of his trail, and walked off towards the dorms at U.A High.

MHA: Shigaraki's RedemptionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara