Chapter 2

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That was the bell, signaling the end of the school day. Izuku picked up his things and started to leave the classroom, before he was pulled back by Bakugou.

"Where are you running off to, Deku?" Kachaan said, with an intimidating look on his face.

Bakugou is known for being a dick, especially towards Deku, but today was one of those rare days that he was in a some-what good mood. You could tell by the fact that he wasn't yelling at Deku or trying to murder him. Perhaps, it was the fact that he was grateful for his friends saving him from the League of Villains, a few days earlier, or perhaps it was a different reason. Nobody will ever know, because Bakugou doesn't open his heart up to anybody. Especially Deku.

"Oh, Kachaan... uhmmm nowhere really hehe.." Deku lied.

"I can tell when you're lying to me, you nerd.." Bakugou said, getting slightly more irritated.

Just then, Uraraka came running up to the two of them, her arms waving back and forth in the air.

"Deku!! Bakugou!!" Uraraka said, while she was running towards them.

"Yes! I'm saved!!" Deku thought to himself as Uraraka ran up to the two of them.

"Whatcha doin?" Uraraka asked, blushing lightly.

It's obvious that she has a crush on Deku but she doesn't have the courage to tell him how she feels. At least, not yet anyways..

"Nothing much.." Deku replied, awkwardly.

"Wanna walk back to the dorms with me?" Uraraka asked, still blushing.

"Okay!" Deku said happily.

He was happy that she came and asked him that, so he could get away from Kachaan.

"Bakugou, you can join us if you want." Uraraka said to him with a smile on her face.

She's always so happy. It's hard to make her feel any other kind of emotion. She just has that kind of personality that's very bubbly and enthusiastic.

"Sure.. It ain't like I have anything else better to do right now." Bakugou said with a smug expression on his face.

"Shit..." Deku said to himself.

He thought just as Uraraka had saved him, she only turned around and asked Kachaan to tag along with them. Just great.

As the three of them walked back to the dorms, Deku noticed something next to one of the trees that surround the school grounds.

"Guys, do you see that?" Deku asks, grabbing their attention.

"See what Deku?" Uraraka asked.

"That thing over th..." Deku paused, as he pointed over to the tree, only to see nothing there.

"You're seeing things, you damn nerd!" Bakugou yelled, as he marched towards the dorms.

"Come on Deku, let's go!" Uraraka said, happily as she grabbed Deku by the hand and the two of them ran back to the dorms.

However, as a matter of fact, there was something by the tree that Deku pointed out earlier. It was Shigaraki. He was staring at the three of them. As he saw Deku point in his direction, he quickly ducked behind the tree. He carefully listened to their conversation, and when he heard the coast was clear, he came out from behind the tree and made his way towards the dorms.

"Okay... now that the coast is clear, I'm one step closer to killing All Might." Shigaraki said to himself, with an evil smile on his face.

Shigaraki crept up to one of the windows that was unlocked. He opened it and climbed through. Once he was inside, he looked around and came to the conclusion that he was in one of the bathrooms.

Just then, he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the bathroom door.

Having very little time to react, Shigaraki stepped into the bathtub, and pulled the curtain across so nobody would see him.

Moments later, Deku opened the door and walked inside. He closed the door behind him, locking it in the process. He was getting ready to take a bath. He walked over to the bathtub and pulled the curtain back to come face to face with Shigaraki. Before Deku could react, Shigaraki quickly put his hand over his mouth, all while making sure he doesn't accidentally use his quirk on him, and turn him to dust.

"If you make one little peep, you and everyone you care about are dead.. got it?" Shigaraki asked, whispering to Deku.

Deku nodded in agreement. He wanted to do something about this situation but there was nothing he could do. He didn't want anyone to get hurt. Shigaraki basically had him wrapped around his finger now, and there was no getting out of it, so he just had to go along with it.

"Good.." Shigaraki said, as he took his hand off of Deku's mouth.

"Now, Izuku Midoriya... let's have a little chat, shall we?" Shigaraki asked, as he grinned, staring into Deku's soul with his hollow eyes

Deku looked back and he didn't see the face of a man... no... he saw the face of a monster... corrupted by evil, and no way to bring himself back from it...

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