The beginning of the plan.(Part 23)

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Chuwy's POV:

As I walk up to Haley's house she was outside with her phone on her hands and she kinda looked worried.I don't know why tho.

Chuwy: Hey Haley!

She looks up at me with a frighten look but then she starts walking up to me and then she asked me. "were ash?she wasn't with you" "no, she was never with me.why?" she stared to panic then I told her to calm down "maybe she with Axel" "I call him she not with Axel"

Chuwy: How about we talk inside?


Chuwy: So, what do you mean she missing?

Haley: I remember Ash text me and said that you told her she was in danger.

Chuwy: yes I did.

Haley: you know were they took her then?

Chuwy: Samantha didn't told me.

Haley: sh#t.

Chuwy: don't worry we will find her.

Haley: yeah. I hope so..

I smile at her then she slowly smile at me but then it faded.did she love Ash? if she did then I'll have to get rid of her before she steals Haley away from me.

Ash's POV:

Ash:sh#t my head

Guess what I was tied up just like that last time when Axel's brother kidnap me but thankfully I had my clothes on.

Samantha: Well, well looks like your finally awake.

Ash: Noo, am sleeping you Bi#ch

She slap me but then someone else came it was Chuwy I knew I shouldn't had trust her but I did.It doesn't matter to me but she gonna hurt Haley's felling like she did before and I can't let her do that. Luckily I had a tiny knife that I always keep in my pocket it's so sharp, this would help me cut the rope.While Samantha was talking I was slowly cutting the rope. Then they left the room and finally I cut the rope.

I put away my knife then I untied the rope that were making my feet stay close together and not let them separate.I untied the rope then I got up from the chair I tried to open the door and guess what? it did open because those idiots forgot to lock it maybe there were gonna come back that's the only explanation the door was unlock. I was heading upstairs no one was there,then I smell smoke.

They had set the house on fire but when I tried to open the main door so I can head outside but the handle was getting hot and the smoke got more bigger I didn't have a choice then break a window I jump out and fall in the bushes but I soon got up and walk away from the house. Luckily I got out before, because the house was falling apart then I hear laughing. It was Chuwy and Samantha laughing. I took my knife out of my pocket and went carefully walking up to them, Since they were laughing and not paying attention they didn't hear me coming closer to them.

I slide Chuwy's neck wide open then she stared to bleed then I ran before they can see me. Samantha call an ambulance of course I wen't home I little cuts in my arm because of the glass that I had to break if I wanted to live ;-;.

The only good thing is that no one was walking in the street and If there were everyone would be whispering and talking about it. I grab my phone and saw 30 messages missing from gang group chat.Then someone text me and it was Haley.I even forgot I was stabbed and my blood was still dripping in my shirt, some of the blood had already had been dried but it curios me when Haley said I fake that I wen't missing. What was she talking about when I asked what she meant, she stared typing.

Yes they have iphones people ;-; XD


at 8:33p.m

Haley:So mind explain why did you fake you were missing?

Ash:What are you talking about?


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