The hard way or the easy way?(part 10)

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I wasn't really paying attention since I was busy being mad at Samantha how dare she got on top of me like that?well it doesn't matter Axel is finally mine and she can't take him away she has 0% of chance of getting him back plus she like the 10% hot version of me well lest say half. She doesn't even get half of my fame I mean look at her everyone adores me in the school and am 20% better than her in classes witch she always gets F- since well lest say..since first grade.

Samantha:Oh hey Ash can we talk 

Ash:Why would I want to talk to someone like you


I mean I say yes just to annoy her but I didn't expect her she wanted to talk to me after all am dating Axel now...

Samantha:Okay,listen here,stay away from Axel or were gonna have consequences

Ash: And what are the consequences then?

Samantha:That none of your business...

Ash;You think am afraid of you?

Samantha: grrr

She was going to slap me but as quick as I could, I grab her by her hand before she could have slap me but you know I trow her backwards and said"am one of the girls that, you don't wanna mess with, you know" then I just start walking away but before I could give any more steps I grab her by the shirt and punch her till her nose bleed.She was giving me warning but I didn't listen and I was walking and thinking what can that B#sh do to me I mean she weak but I head home take a shower and get straight to homework.

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