The World Will Know - 04

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Y/N woke up very early in the morning. Something she rarely ever did. She slowly opened her eyes and felt the comfort of the her old mattress, not remembering putting herself there.

She tracked back in her thoughts and remembered singing the young boys a lullaby and then herself falling asleep by one of the beds. Looking through the fogged window and she saw the a grey sky, signalling that it hadn't been sunrise yet. Y/N looked through the bunks to see if she was the only one awake.

One of the bunks was missing an inhabitant.


The girl knew that from time to time he would go upon the rooftop to think, she knew she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep and she felt guilty for leaving him and yelling at him yesterday.

So Y/N put her socks back on and then her boots, and pulled on an old jumper on that was very loose and had the odd hole here and there. She climbed through the window after sliding it open and took the fire escape to the roof. Walking quietly up it to not wake up any of the boys, but loud enough to not startle Skittery - if he were in fact on the rooftop.

As she climbed over the small barricade, Skittery turned around. One foot over the edge as he swayed. A not-so-full bottle of some sort of alcohol in one hand, and a cigarette in the other.

"Skitt?" She croaked out, "What in the Devil's name are you doing?!" Her hands left her sides as she motioned towards him. The boy pressed his lips into a tight line as he jumped back onto the sturdy surface of the roof.

Skittery placed the bottle down and threw the remnants of the cigarette over the edge and walked over to the girl quickly, placing both his hands on her cheeks. He smiled softly at her.

The Kelly girl furrowed her eyebrows as she placed her hands over his and leaned into them.

He slowly removed his hands and she quickly wrapped hers around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I wasn't gonna do it." He whispered as she kissed his cheek.

The sun had finally risen and peaked over the tops of the buildings. The boys would be waking up in over an hours time, so Y/N dragged Skittery over to her bed. They laid down, embracing each other and falling into a deep, comfortable sleep.

Skittery woke up first, hearing Kloppman walking up the creaky stairs. He shook the girl awake, well tried to. She mumbled a few curses. Raising her head, she somehow managed to get her hair knotted in the short amount of time and she resembled someone who had been hit by lightning. Glaring at the boy, he responded with a signature smirk.

The whole group of Newsies had become incredibly tired due to the night's before games.

Y/N had been the last one out of the Lodging house, yet again.

But as she neared the distribution centre, she heard a lot of yelling.

And it didn't sound too joyous.

She ran over to her brother, asking about the noise, "They jacked up the price! You hear that Jack? Ten cents a hundred! You know, it's bad enough that we gotta eat what we don't sell, now they jack up the price. Can you believe that?" Kid Blink butted in before the Kelly boy could even open his mouth.

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