My Lovey-Dovey Baby - 02

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Y/N made her way over to her brother putting her arm around his shoulders, congratulating him on yet another win. "Ya too kind." Jack smiled at his younger sibling.

"You're as good as dead cowboy." The Delancey brothers hissed, making their way inside the building. As they went inside, Oscar kept his gaze on the unknowing girl.

Y/N turned around to see Skittery standing behind her, a sour look on his face. But as the girl caught his eyes he became interested in his shoes.

"Hey Skitts, what's the face for?" She asked. Skittery looked up with his eyebrows knitted together, his sign of being deep in thought. "Just... nothin'."

He pressed his lips into a thin line and looked forward and waited for Mr. Wisel, or to them known as Mr. Wiesel, to open the window up. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and turned back around. She didn't want to press on the matter too much, as she knew he had been dealing with some stuff mentally.

Seeing Jack tapping on the red wood that separated them from the people inside, calling out and taunting the evil man Y/N pushed herself forward. "Oh Mr. Weasel." Jack called out in a sing-song voice as Y/N pulled on the bell.

"Alright, alright! Hold your horses! I'm coming, I'm coming." The man's voice called out from inside. The window opened revealing the dirty paper-pusher. "So, didja miss me Weasel? Huh, did you miss me-" Y/N cut him off.

"Us. Didja miss us! Ya always forget Jack!" She scolded her brother, smirking at Weasel.
"I told ya a million times, the name's Wisel. Mr. Wisel to you," He hissed.

"How many?"
"Don't rush us." Y/N raised her eyebrow, hearing a couple boys giggle.
"I'm perusing the merchandise Mr. Weasel," Jack rolled his eyes. "The usual."
"100 papes for the wise guy. Next!" As Jack got his paper, Y/N walked up.

"80." She bit the inside of her cheek. She hadn't been doing good at selling papes the past couple days, it was either because of the anniversary coming up, or just because she wasn't as good as she use to be. Or plain boredom.

So she began selling with her brother again. "80 for Ballad."

Morris came up to the window with the papers. Y/N lowered her head so that her cap covered her face and she took the papers, nearly tripping down the stairs.

She went over to her brother who was looking through the headlines, and oh my were they bad. But their motto was, 'Headlines don't sell papes, Newsies sell papes' and they stood by it, altering the truth a little. She noticed a small boy looking at Jack, the same boy that followed her and David. She turned around and saw the freckled boy waiting in line for papes.

Slowly dragging her gaze over to her best friend, the glum look was still stuck on his face. Jack talking to the boy brought her back into reality, "You wanna sit down?"

She opened one of the papers, "Hey Race, look at this, 'Baby Born With Two Heads'. Must be from Brooklyn." She laughed.

Y/N turned around when she heard Weasel yelling, "Hey, you got your lously papes, now beat it!" Passing her papers over to Racetrack she climbed the stairs quickly to see what was causing the ruckus. "I paid for twenty. I only got nineteen." David replied.

"Are you accusing me of lying kid?"

"No. I just want my paper." David retaliated. Y/N looked over at Skittery who was shaking his head, telling her to not get involved.

She ignored it and counted the papers on the desk. "He said beat it!" Morris yelled back.

"No, no. It's nineteen, but don't worry about it. It's an honest mistake. I mean, Morris here can't count to twenty with his shoes on." She laughed at him as Jack walked up behind her.

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