Chapter 19: Kiss Your Boyfriend For Me

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Music Track List:

Murcof - Cuerpo Celeste


Emma's POV

I silently followed behind David through the maze of the woods that he seemed to know by the back of his hand. It was difficult keeping up with his long strides, and I was impressed. I'm not someone who often has trouble keeping up. If he moved a tad too quickly, suddenly I would lose him in the darkness and then become unsure of my way. But then there he would be, waiting. His back towards me, taut and tense and exasperated. This world's David is a douche, I decided.

Why are you even following this guy, Emma? You are seriously going to blow up a bridge? Did you learn how to do this in blowing-up bridge school? IT'S A BRIDGE!! You don't even know what the punishment is in this world for this kind of terrorism. And I guarantee it won't win you any medals.

And do you know the type of person who blows up bridges? Terrorists. That's who. This David yahoo is a terrorist and you are just following him to what end? If your friends blow up a bridge, are you going to too...?

Maybe, I should just make a break for it. He can go blow up his own damn bridge.

"What's wrong," David said in a solemn voice, and I suddenly realized he was in my face, his face just inches from mine.

I stared at him blankly. What's wrong??? I'm in the wrong freaking reality! How does that grab you?

"Getting cold feet," David stated as if it was a fact. "That's fine. You can run along now. I've got it under control."

Run along now?? He just told ME to "run along now"??

"I'm sure you do. I'm sure you blow up bridges all the time," I growled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" David's face scrunched up with incredulity.

"I dunno...where I come from blowing up bridges isn't exactly an everyday activity," I snorted.

David turned from me and started striding through the woods again, "Oh that's rich coming from you. I'm sure that boyfriend of yours has set up a real fool's paradise far away from all the destruction. Perhaps I should nickname you Eva Braun."

That did it. I was now officially pissed. I charged towards his back, hurtled myself and knocked him to the ground.

This must have taken him completely by surprise otherwise I wouldn't have been so easily able to get the upper hand and straddle him. I thumped his chest with my fists a few times while hoarsely whispering, "Let's get one thing straight, asshole. No one! NO ONE! Calls me Eva Braun without getting a black eye." I kept punching him in the chest until I heard a low rumbling noise come from his chest. Was he laughing at me?? Laughing? AT ME??

I started punching harder, and that made him laugh even harder. This pissed me off to no end. So I packed some power behind a punch and aimed for his kidneys.

"Ow!" he cried, giving me a little satisfaction. "That's it," he announced as he quickly sat up and grabbed both of my arms and held my wrists behind my back. I couldn't believe I managed to get pinned by the same guy, or not the same guy, twice in one night. I struggled hard against him, his face just inches from mine.

"Would you settle the fuck down," he spat. "As much as I would like nothing better than to wrestle with you all night...we have a job to do. People are counting on us. Many lives are depending on what we accomplish tonight." His deep serious stare penetrated my anger and I settled down, the gravity of his words washing over me.

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