Chapter 19: What happens in Vegas ~ Carrie Cutforth

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I found myself standing before my reflection in the mirror brushing my teeth in a bathroom that wasn’t not mine. Well likely it's mine. Or his. But this was not me me. I’m just the soul guy behind the vacant eyes of the bodies I ride like a parasite. The bathroom was simple but with a few feminine frills. It felt…domestic, and I couldn’t put my finger on it as to why. Perhaps the fixtures were a bit too nice, the sink a bit too clean to be mine for a single dude.

This was a very unusual experience for me as of late. I mean, well, I don’t remember the last time I brushed my teeth. I never stuck around long enough to get to the things my bodies must be up to when I’m absent. Sleep. Shitting. Showers. Food.

When’s the last time I ate a burger? A real burger? Or waffles? I wondered if there is a Bru’s Wiffles in this verse. Maybe I could take a day off from my normal pursuit of Emma and just….live a little. Unbuckle the pant’s belt and breathe.

Like: when’s the last time you jacked off, David Old Boy?

I felt for my dick and gave it a bit of a squeeze. It did a little jump for joy, like a puppy welcoming his master home.

“There, there,” I petted it.

“What are you doing,” a sharp voice intruded. I looked up and it was Emma standing in the doorway, our doorway. The Emma with the tight ponytail. Or one of the ones with the tight ponytail. With the Californian accent. She was dressed in a suit, a grey drab thing. The type you would wear to the office.

I looked down at my hand holding my dick and took the toothbrush out of my mouth with my other hand to speak. “Checking for testicular cancer,” I said.

“Checking for cancer...” she said in that condenscending interrogating tone I hate.

“Sure,” I said and then spit into the sink. I should preface I had released my dick by this point in case you were still imagining it there in my hot little hand.

“Shouldn’t you be checking your balls then,” she said with a sly smile.

“You caught me,” I laughed and she smiled. She looked at me with a long tight smile. It began to make me feel self-conscious. I then suddenly remembered what happened between us back in the last world and felt a sharp remembrance of gonad pain.

“What?” I asked, setting the blue toothbrush into the holder thing where I noticed a pink one occupying the spot.

“I dunno…it’s just…good to see you laugh,” she said with a brisk kiss on my cheek. “Don’t forget to take the diaper bag with you when you drop Giselle off at daycare. I have her all dressed and ready for you in her in the crib.”

Daycare? Crib? My brain screamed aloud as I watched Emma begin to walk out of the bathroom.

“Wait,” I cried. “Where are you going?” Don’t leave me.

Emma evaded my gaze and kept her back to me, but addressed me curtly over her shoulder. “I told you. I have an appointment.”

“An appointment? Where?”

“David, don’t start. We agreed we wouldn’t go there again,” Emma said in a very exasperated tone. Before I could say anymore, she whipped her pony tail in my direction, and I watched the back of her as she wheeled out of the room and I could soon  hear Emma clomping down stairs.

I took two seconds to decide my only course of action would be to follow her whereever she was going. I mean, I could hardly go to wherever I needed to be for the day, let alone take Griselda to daycare—

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden cry from a room down the hall. The baby! Or course.

I couldn’t just leave her there, could I? No that would be wrong…wayyyyyyy wrong….almost as wrong as leaving her in the care of a fucked up twat like me who doesn’t know the first thing about squiggly wailing creatures with hungry mouths and pooping butts.

I ran down the hallway, which was all beige – Exactly how boring was my life in this world? And into a nursery which was unsurprisingly all pink. I felt an ominous feeling that I can only describe was akin to watching Rosemary’s Baby in slow mo but instead of approaching a demonic spawn, I was merely coming face to face with the fruit of my own loins: a harmless, helpless, screaming-red face baby with a shock of black curly hair.

I picked the baby gently in my hands as if she was a frozen icicle with complex moving parts, reminding myself that I just went through this already only a few worlds back, and I managed to traipse through the woods without breaking my son in that world. I wonder what happened to that kid? Was he safe?

How many fathers am I? I wondered aloud as the crying abated. Oh, she just wanted to be held. By me.

Her dad.


I couldn’t just stand here and hold her all day though. What if she got hungry? I wouldn’t even know where to begin…

I wandered down the hall with Genie in my arms, trying hard not to let her head wobble. I opened the one door I hadn’t been in yet, and of course it was the bedroom. More beige. More blah. I felt bit pained by this…I guess I had expected that if Emma and I got together in any of the world’s our lives would be a bit more exciting. With less kids and more not kids.

As I scrounged around for pants, I began to wonder if the Emma of my world ever wanted kids, she didn’t seem the type and couldn’t imagine us being parents together. Now Pepper, if we ever got together, I could not help but imagine handfuls of rugrats ruling the roost and tying me down like evil Lilliputians. Pepper would make a good mom, I thought. But then banished the thought from my mind. Where the hell had it come from? We are just friends…friends who occasionally have sex together. That is no basis for a relationship with kids. I am no basis for fatherhood.

Except maybe in this world. And others. Where obviously I am.

Could I be a dad? Back in my own world…?

I tried to set the baby onto the bed in order to put my pants on, but the moment her body felt the sheets and my hands leaving her, she began to pout with the most adorably cute face I couldn’t help but feel I was betraying her soul to the core.

I picked her quickly up into my arms and slowly tried to put my pants on, one leg at a time without dropping her. Then I sat down on a blech arm chair beside the bed and tried to put one arm at a time into one of my white collar shirts while Ginny cooed up at me from reclining on my legs.

I had just managed to put on one of my shoes when suddenly I heard a *blep*. I looked over to the bed where amongst the tangled blankets there was a phone. On picking it up, I stared at the message on the screen. A push notification from a GPS tracker. It had a bubble of Emma’s face pinned on location at a motel parking lot.

Um, whut?

Why is Emma at a motel?

And why exactly am I tracking her on my phone?


short note guys...i  am tired tonight :P

tell me what you're comments keep me going


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