Another Transformation

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There is going to be a sex scene between two men in this chapter. That is not all there is to this chapter, just a small part.


After Radon had dropped Seth off to Zerith's Cavern and left, Seth was very happy to be back but very tired from the big day. "Welcome home Seth, I missed you so much while you were gone. I couldn't stop thinking about you. You are so important to me Seth."  Zerith takes Seth in his arms and holds him close as he talks to him.  "In this form, I am so limited as to where I can go. I can't even leave my own Cavern without help, and nobody except Radon and you know that I am a human now. I am starting to feel trapped in my own cavern and that is wrong because this is my home."  said Zerith. 

"Is there anything I can do for you darling?  I missed you so much while I was gone today. I was thinking about you too all day. I understand how this can be a trap for you baby. I want to help you think of a way we can figure out how to help you learn to be able to transform back and forth, so you have freedom?  I want to help, but maybe tomorrow. lol, I am so tired baby, let's get some sleep tonight." says Seth. 

Seth gives Zerith a passionate kiss and slides his arms around his neck, with his fingers running through his silky hair. He had to stop before it became something more than he could handle while he was so tired. They both change into their nightclothes and go over to their bed furs and cuddle up together to go to sleep.

In the morning Zerith quietly got out of their sleeping furs without waking Seth, then he went to cook some breakfast for them both.

Zerith wanted to let Seth sleep as long as he could since Seth had such a long day yesterday and needed his rest. He would need the energy too with a good breakfast to replenish all the energy he used up yesterday. 

He asked Radon to bring up some eggs, meat, and fruit for their breakfast. Zerith could cook the eggs and meat. Radon brought up extra fruit and veggies for later and jerky. It isn't as good as fresh meat but it is food. Zerith thanked Radon before he left then began cooking the eggs and meat.   

It smelled very good and, when he was almost finished cooking breakfast, Seth started to move around in their furs as he smelled it in his sleep. Zerith wanted to get the breakfast finished before Seth got out of the furs, so he could surprise him with breakfast in bed or in furs? lol, Zerith prepared the fired slate plates with the food on each one. Zerith made each plate look very symmetrical with the food and nothing was touching. He had previously squeezed some of the fruit into cups for fruit juice. He put cut up fruit on the plates as well. He used a Larger slate to put both plates and the cups on like a tray and carried them over to where their furs lay. Then set it down next to Seth and, kissed him on his cheek to see if that would wake him up. Seth turned his head toward Zerith and the wonderful smelling food. He looked up at Zerith and smiled at him. "Wow Zerith, Thank you so much this looks and smells wonderful. I think I was dreaming of food, now I know why. lol"  says Seth. They both take a plate and start eating the eggs, meat and fruit and drinking the juice, as well as making noises of pleasure of liking the food. When they are done eating Zerith takes their dishes and goes to wash them off in the pool in the back before the food gets stuck on the plates and cups. The water in the pool is very clean and is circulated continually. He takes a clean towel from a shelf used for bathing and drys them, then brings them back to use again later.  When Zerith got back he sat down next to Seth, and Seth had a question for him. 

"Zerith, what was it that triggered your transformation the first time do you remember exactly what you were doing at the time?"  said Seth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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