Searching for Mindspeakers

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In the picture the dragons are getting ready to search

When Zerith woke up he mindlinked to everyone on his team as well as Seth.
"Good Morning everyone. This is a team link up because it is very important. I would like everyone to join me in the training field in 30 min. Seth I will come by and show you where it is, so you can get there next time."
One after another they all replied back to Zerith, including Seth.

Seth looked to see if there was any food in his cave and there was. It was underneath the standup cabinet that shows off the pottery. There was some dried meat, like jerky. So Seth grabbed a few of those for now. There was a box that has a big hunk of ice in it. On top were 3 big fish. He would first need to find out how to use the stove before he could cook.

As he chewed on the jerky he looked for clothes to get dressed in for the day. He looked through the chest he found the night before. He found clothes he could wear during the day. He put on pants, a shirt, vest, and boots that fit just right for him. Each piece had really nice decorative stitching on the clothing.There was even a nice jacket for when it gets cooler at night. He wondered if Kadel made the clothing for him, because she is the dragon he knows about that has the skill with the needle.

Seth was ready and put the jacket over his arm in case he needed it. He brought the last two pieces of jerky with him as he walked out of the door. Zerith was waiting for him near by and bent his leg to give Seth an easier way on his back. Seth was getting used to climbing on a dragons back now and just climbed right on.

When they landed and Seth dismounted in the training field they all made a semi-circle
in front of Zerith before he began to speak.
Zerith's mindspeech was to everyone at once.

"Good Morning everyone. I got a mindspeak call from Merdi in the middle of the night last night. It was very important as you might imagine. She has never done such a thing before, at least not to me. She told me that we are to start our search today, and hope that the others are well enough bonded with Seth to be able to search with him and feel his gifts. Maybe it will be best for them to go with Seth personally first. The others know what the gift feels like coming from a human.
So we need to put on packs to carry gold dragon scales.

Seth blurts out. "May I make a suggestion about the money for the people?"

"Go ahead Seth, it might help us."

Seth sighs before he speaks "Ok, this is my idea, and it might take time. So it will not work for this time but, humans use gold coins, silver coins, copper coins. Gold as you were thinking is the most valuable, then silver, then copper. If you use shed Dragon Scales of Gold, Silver, and Copper then melt them down to make coins, it would be better for humans. Do you have a metal Smith that can make coin molds, each having a dragon head on them? Then pour the hot metal into the molds, one for gold, one for silver, and one for copper. If you have gems too you can carve a dragon on the gem so they know it comes from the dragons. The dragons provide for them, then they will be more willing to help the dragons in turn."

"Seth, that is a great idea! I was listening to you, and mindspeaking to the people who can get things started for that project. I think your idea will really help us with trade also. Thank you."

"Go eat, but not too much to fly. Get your packs on with the scales in them. Help each other to put on a chest halter then connect the flying straps up to your first top scales for the new humans to use."

Zerith and the rest of the team flew off to get ready. Seth wasn't sure what to do until they left. "Zerith what should I bring with me? What should I do until we go?"

"I think you have all you need. You can come up and help me put my halter on."

Seth climbed on Zerith and they flew up to Zerith's cave. After dissmounting, Zerith went to get his halter. Every young dragon learns how to make a halter and straps in case they need to carry an injured dragon back to the lair. At each growth spurt the young dragons make new ones that fit them, until they reach adulthood. Earlier Zerith was just reminding them all, about the halter and straps, since none of them had actually needed to use them yet. Zerith was almost ready. He just needed, to put on his pack with the scales in it.

Every dragon hords golden dragon scales, as well as anything else shiny that looks valuable. They all have there own treasure rooms that they keep locked. Every dragon has integrity and would never steal from another dragons hord.

Zerith got the dragon scales he needed without letting Seth into his treasure room. After Seth's speech earlier, he decided to not just bring all gold dragon scales. He brought, silver dragon scales, copper dragon scales,
scales with lots of gems in them, scales with lots of turquoise in them, coal, and wood.

Now that Zerith's packs were full, Seth helped him put them on securely to Zerith's back. He mounted, Zerith stood at the end of his cave and pushed off with his strong hind legs and soared back to the training field. The rest of the team was waiting for him there. Seth dismounted from Zerith and walked over towards the rest of the team. Zerith indicated with his wing, for Seth to go over to Frada as the teammate he will work with first. Seth nodded his head to Zerith, and walked over and stood next to her.

"We will start off in the farms that are poorer and have more children to feed. We are not trying to buy their children. The money is only to help them out, especially if they wanted to visit. Or if they truly need the help at the farm, they can hire help. Or if they need a cow they can get one."

"Taking one child off their hands is one less to feed when times are tough. It will help especially when some families have 6 to10 children. In the shape we are standing in let's fly out that way. Everyone go slow and don't scare off their animals. Bring up the eggs as soon as you can. Let the Blessed Egg be with you."

They all flew off onto thier seperate missions to Search for Mindspeakers. Seth hadn't had the time to get to know Frada very well yet. This is his chance to do just that.

Zerith had to turn around to be able to start flying in the right direction, that was straight north towards the middle of the whole northernmost coast were he was going to search.

Frada and Seth flew towards the east and southeast to search.

Kadel flew straight west and southwest to search.
Cepetol flew and Searched in between northeast and northwest, but he pulled back, quite alot so he was not overlaping the same search areas.

Radon flew and searched the southwest.

Deldryer searched the South.

They were all on there way now to search for youngsters in hopes of them being able to bond with the dragonets when they hatch.

They were all on there way now to search for youngsters in hopes of them being able to bond with the dragonets when they hatch

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