The Day of Mayhem & Beginnings of Feelings

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About halfway through the chapter or sooner, there are some adult thoughts & nudity. It's MxM thoughts, so if you don't like it stop here & don't read it.


During the night there were potential bond mates for the eggs flown in by the larger dragons. Five potential bond mates were found, and four cooks that are multi-talented, as well as three men that can help with the boys and other things they said, could do. The adults will be very helpful with the youngsters since dragons aren't used to human younglings as they call them. (Adults that will be needed will be found and flown in as well later on before the eggs hatch.)

One of the cooks knocked on Seth's door the next morning before anyone else had woken up. Seth grudgingly grabbed his robe from the chair beside his bed and put it on before he went to the door to find out who was up so early in the freaking morning. When Seth grumpily opened the door he saw an older maiden before him with an apron on, like she was ready to work in a kitchen.

"Hello, can I help you?" said Seth. "Yes, you can help me, young man. I was told that you have the only working stove as of yet. I need to cook for all the humans now. May I use your stove until a kitchen is built for me?" said the cook.

"I suppose so, but you have to use it here and bring your own food to cook and supplies use. My stove is not coming out, it's smoke filter goes throughout the cave rock and outside. Two dragons combined their skills to make it. Go get what you need if you are going to cook in here this morning." said Seth.

The cook quickly left to find the other cooks that were waiting for her with everything that they needed to cook up a huge breakfast. Seth was surprised when she knocked on his door again five minutes later, with a whole crew of cooks, food to cook, and pots, pans, skillets, and everything else they needed. He was overwhelmed, to say the least.
"Zerith, do you have space for me in your cave? If so, may I stay with you until the cooks get their own stove & use your personal bath, please? The cooks have taken over my house before I even had a chance to wake up properly." said Seth.

"Seth, don't worry, I will make a place ready for you," said Zerith.

"Thank you so much Zerith. You are such a great friend!" said Seth.

"You are welcome, Seth. I will be waiting for you when you are ready," said Zerith.

Seth quickly got dressed in his bedroom and gathered clothes for several days. He rolled up his sleeping furs from his bed, he filled his pack with his cooking and camping gear. Then Seth told the women to make sure to clean up and close the door when they leave. Seth grabbed a torch and lit it before he went outside his door because it was still dark outside. He made his way down towards the ground where Zerith was waiting for him. It was a good thing that he only had to walk four rocky steps in the dark. More than that and it would be too dangerous in the dark even with a torch. Seth, climbed on Zerith bareback since they were only going to fly up a short hop to get to Zenith's cave.

Once they were inside the cave, Zerith smoothed out a spot on the floor with his wings to make a perfect place for Seth to put his sleeping furs. Then he went over to his nest that fit his own body perfectly and lay down to sleep. He curled up and got comfortable going to sleep.
"Get some more sleep Seth, I will see you when the sun rises," said Zerith.

Seth unpacked his sleeping furs and put them in the place Zerith prepared for him. He took his clothes off, and crawled under the sleeping furs, and was soon asleep.

What Seth didn't know was that Zerith had one of his eyelids halfway open, and he was watching Seth getting undressed. He liked what he saw and didn't know why. He is a male, they both are. Zerith was glad Seth wasn't naked for long, (Seth covered up with his sleeping furs) because it was making him aroused.

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