Finding the Mindspeakers

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Frada saw a medium sized farm in the distance "Seth can you see the medium sized farm in front of us in the distance?" Frada said to Seth
He said "I can't see it, but we still should fly down and check it out if you think it looks good."

"I think so too. We should fly down in a field away from the farm so I don't scare the livestock or the people. " Frada replied.

Frada used her dragon sight to find a good spot for them to land. Then she slowly circled around until she was at that point and then softly landed.

Frada offered a leg to step down on, then Seth used that and dismounted. "Thank you Frada" Seth said.

Seth walked over to the farm. He asked to talk to the the parents, to find out the ages of the older children. If any of the kids were the right ages, he then explained about the dragons, their eggs, and their need for Mindspeakers.
Everything went all right and Seth said he would bring over the dragon now, but not to be afraid. So the parents agreed, but Seth could still tell the woman was a bit afraid.

"Frada it is time, would you please come over slowly so you don't scare anyone. Thank you" Seth said. Frada flew low to the ground but not too low that it would make her crash. The family saw her long before she was ready to land. So, Seth was able to calm them down by the time she arrived.

Frada landed 100 feet away and walked a bit closer. It didn't take long for her to cover that distance. She left 25 feet between her and the house.
Seth asked the children he had selected out of the age groups we need to form a line.
Frada started to search them one by one, and when she was done she said.

"There are two girls and one boy from this family. That is good if they are willing to give them up."
"If they don't impress the first time there is always another hatching." Said Seth.

Seth calls out the names "Dawn, Ruth, Jacob, please step up to me, the rest of you may go." Jacob stepped up first showing his bravery and excitement.
Dawn was close behind Jacob in stepping forward. Ruth is shy and held back. Dawn held out her hand towards Ruth to encourage her sister to step forward also. Finally Ruth grabbed Dawn's hand and stood next to her sister.

"You three are very special. Maybe you knew that you could talk to animals, or had a feeling that they understood what you said." said Seth

Jacob said "My horse seemed to know where I wanted him to go before I even signaled him with the reins or my legs. He was already moving in the direction I wanted him to go in. I have never told anyone, not even my best friend. I didn't want to be called crazy. It wasn't just my horse either. I can think to my dog to fetch my boots, or other things and he does."

Dawn step up and said "I take care of all of the rabbits in their hutches. I thought I was crazy too. I could hear their thoughts all the time. It gets really bad during rabbit mating season! Is there a season?" Dawn blushed very red.

Ruth looked up shyly and said "I found my kitty Sunny in the barn with the rest of the barn kittens, except he wasn't begin fed. He was very thin and looked like he might die if left out there any longer. So I took him in my room to take care of him. That is when he first talked to me in my head. I literally fell on my buttom I was so startled. He told me he wanted milk. So I put some in a bowl, but silly me, he couldn't drink out of a bowl. He said do you have a "___" to suck on? Of course not! I figured out to use the corner of a clean wash rag, then dip it in the milk for him. He grew up and I taught him to hunt mice. He still talks to me and, I just have to think back him."

"Where you will be going, your talents will be very useful. Hopefully you will impress one of the hatchlings as soon as the hatch. If not there will be another hatching to try." Says Seth.

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