Chapter 13

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Haiden (Kaiser) POV

Since it was a beach party we walked, instead of driving our cars.

We were just now making it to the beach and you could hear the loud music and smell the food cooking.

There was a large crowd of people dancing on top of each other and I knew at that moment that's where Brennan would end up.

He's all for dirty dancing.

"Okay bitches lets go get more drinks, then we can start dancing" Brennan told us while pulling our hands.

Once we had our drinks, we all started dancing together until Sterling got taken away by some chick and Brennan got taken away by a group.

Well there goes my guys for the night, I thought to myself.

After the guys got pulled into different directions I decide to take a walk, a little farther down the beach, just to escape the party scene for a bit.

While walking a few things came to my mind like how everyone knows how beautiful Hawaii is during the day,but no one talks about how magical looking it is, at night.

As I was sitting down in the sand watching the waves, I felt someone behind me.

Now this could either go two ways. 1, it could just be one of the guys coming to meet me or 2. It could be a murder or kidnapper.

I slowly turned around facing the person waiting for them to speak.

"I don't think a pretty lady like yourself should be sitting here alone" Ayiden said

I rolled my eyes at this and crossed my arms.

"I'm not alone because your here weirdo" I said trying to get him to leave.

"I'll give you that, but can I just ask why your sitting here instead of partying?" he asked

Same old nosy ass Ayiden.

" partying is not really my thing anymore, just waiting on my friends so we can go home." I said truthfully

"That's no fun, how about I take you home so you don't have to wait in your friends" Ayiden asked

I knew it was time to end this conversation and go get the boys, to go home because at this point everything he was saying was starting to become very sketchy to me.

"No thank you, I'm great, thanks for the offer and I think I should be getting back to them" I said gettting up.

Before he could say anything else I got up and walked away. I was ready to go home because only god knows who I would run into next.

Finding all of my men I told them it was time to go and that I got tea to spill once we got back to my house. Of course Brennan was ready to go once I said I had tea.

Ayiden's POV

"Boss I got eyes of the target, it looks like she's entering her home with two of the males from earlier. I'll let you know more later."

Hello everyone, I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe out there. I'm officially back in action and I can't wait for you guys to see what I have in store!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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