Chapter 5; Dilemma

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Sayaka ran into the room where the 4 parents were waiting. 

"Kokichi isn't the father!" Sayaka yelled as she busted into the room.

Kokichi looked at Sayaka, shocked. 

"I'm... Not...?" Kokichi said as his eyes started tearing up. 

"I'm sorry, Kokichi. But you're not the father," Sayaka said sadly. 

Kokichi buried his face into his hands and cried quietly. Komaeda rubbed his back but Kokichi slapped his hand and ran out the room. 

"I'LL GET MY REVENGE, KOMAEDA!!" Kokichi yelled while his voice cracked as he ran down the hospital halls. 

Sans and Junko looked at Komaeda in disappointment as Komaeda smirked.

Dr. Sayaka handed Hinata Fetus to Komaeda and left the room soon there after. 

"He doesn't even have that long of a dick. How could he get me pregnant?" Komaeda remarked as he giggled.

"Welp. Time to go!" Junko said as she stood up and Junko-posed as she opened the door. 

Komaeda stood up with his baby and Sans stood up too.

Junko held the door as everyone walked out, then she walked out too.

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