Chapter 4; Analyzing

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Once Sayaka was in the testing room, she put the underdeveloped fetus on a soft towel which was laying on the counter.

Sayaka wiped off the juicy placenta off of the long cold fetus.

After Sayaka was done with that, she put the placenta into a small glass jar. 

Dr. Sayaka started to stare at the twitching fetus. 

The doctor made a look of disgust face when Hinata Fetus opened his massive eye. It blinked twice and gooey eye juice rolled down his underdeveloped face.

Sayaka grabbed the other end of the towel and cleaned off the gooeyness off of Hinata Fetus's face.

Dr. Sayaka then took a scalpel and cut off a piece of the fetus's tail. 

She set the wrapped fetus over to the side and put the piece of fetus tail under a microscope. 

"Ah yes... I can see pink sparkles from Junko, tiny pieces of misplaced bone from Sans, white hair from Komaeda..." Sayaka said to herself. 

Sayaka looked a little harder and gasped. 

"There's nothing from Kokichi!" Sayaka exclaimed as she picked up the fetus and ran out of the room.

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